Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Roman Museum of Vienna and Shopping

Gruss Gott

Here I am at the end of my voyage, and things started to go wrong--not badly but in an irritating way. 

First off wherever I am I strive to be a good and considerate guest. The important thing to remember is that I really do mean well, but there was something I misunderstood. I've been taking my trash and recycling out and leaving them where I thought I should. Today I got scolded for it. Ok. I made a mistake. I asked three times what I should do instead and just got more scolding. I looked around inside and out. Where is the correct place? I don't know! I ended up dumping my trash in a bin on the street.

I did my tourist stuff and came home--wilted--looking forward to the Tour de France stage. My streaming platform keeps telling me things have gone wrong. I don't seem to be logged into my account. I keep getting a Peacock head and error messages.  

It's Really Hot. But I did manage a museum. Vienna is a Roman Foundation like many other a European capital. It began as a legionary fortress called Vindobona, which is apparently a Roman version of the original Gaulish place name.  The museum is located in the heart of the Roman settlement now known as Hohermarkt. I got my ticket on line and got in. It is not a large museum, and the collection is undistinguished. I happen to be interested Roman settlements, but I think most visitors could skip it. The best part of the museum is below ground level where the excavations are exposed. There's a lot more apparently, but it would mean ripping up some of the Innere Stadt.

Then I betook myself to Graben and Julius Meinl. One of the pleasures of travel is bringing back treats for friends. No one I know likes souvenirs, and I refuse to buy anything Sisi branded--or Mozart or whatever. But my friends do like sweet treats, and they can be found in abundance at this lovely  gourmet shopping Mecca. The problem is I'm in Austria and I want to bring back things from Austria, and Julius Meinl is a big import place, so I had to stay alert to avoid anything Italian, or Belgian. or even British.

I am proud to say I came away with quite a nice haul.  And tomorrow I may be able to hit up duty free at the airport. And once again I was able to check in on line for a more efficient airport experience.

So my reflections on Vienna. It was lovely to be here and revisit well-beloved places. The city is both beautiful and easy to get around--very user friendly, I would say. I wish it had been cooler because I would have gotten around more. I had good food and drink, and except for the garbage scold everyone was gracious towards me. Vienna is a wonderful destination, but it is expensive. I would say it is more than worth it.


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