Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Schonbrunn Part 1


Gruss Gott,

My absolute, no contest, favorite place in Vienna is Schloss Schonbrunn or Schonbrunn Palace, which was Maria Theresa's Late Baroque suburban retreat.  I entitled this part 1 because  I intend to return. There's a lot to see and do. That doesn't mean I saw and did much today on account of the high heat and humidity index. What I was looking for was green and a nice stroll under the shady trees, This I got.

I'm home early. I promised myself that if I were a good little tourist I could have some gelato. I chose hazelnut, amarena cherry and salted caramel. All three were divine and did much to cure my case of the wilts.

I had a longish U Bahn ride out to the palace and then a walk to the entrance. The site is huge, and the park is extensive and free. It's a popular jogging spot, for example.  The forests are mixed conifers and hardwoods. I heard birds chirping, and I'm pretty certain other creatures inhabit the place. To visit the state rooms in the palace you need a timed entry. I wasn't in the mood for anything but walking in the park, and I did get my quota of steps in.

I don't have much to say, so I'll let the pictures tell the tale. The following one is a not very good view of the famous gardens, fountain, and Gloriette that crowns the hill. I also took more photos with my actual camera.


My room is not air conditioned, but I keep the curtains closed and I don't get the late afternoon/early evening sun, so I am comfortable enough. I made sure I drink enough water.


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