Monday, July 15, 2024

Stadtpark--the City Park of Vienna


Gruss Gott,

Not only is it a Tour de France rest day, but I have exhausted the supply of museums I want to see that are open Monday--and it is hot and sticky, and as I am near the end of my trip I am tired.

But I did want to go out. For one thing I needed more cash and groceries and artificial sweetener, too. And I thought that some greenery and shade would do me good, so I took the U Bahn to Stadtpark.

Most European cities have green areas--lush and beautifully cared for. Vienna is no exception. In fact there are several parks. It's just that Stadtpark is the largest in city center.  One of the thing I come to Europe for is to walk. Walking is problematic in my home area. There's nasty traffic, and the patches of green are few, far between and small.  Also men honk at me and offer me rides. 

Walking in Europe is the norm and is made easy. Not just the pedestrianized streets, which I appreciate, but the parks are so lovely to walk in. Stadtpark straddles the Danube Canal and features, fountains, a pond with ducks, and a stream plus beds of colorful flowers.  I had a very nice stroll.

I'd run out of sweetener for my tea and couldn't find any at the grocery store. No drug stores that I visited had any either. ???

On the plus side, I located the stop for the airport bus, so I accomplished something today.

I debated on whether I wanted another pastry or some sausage. The sausage won. I finally found a Wurststand that offered Frankfurters. It wasn't the same as before, and the hot dog wasn't as divine, but I got two of them and a lot of good German mustard for significantly less money.  And the sausages are very good, especially with chilled Austrian rose. 


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