Saturday, July 13, 2024

Schonbrunn Part II: Entering the Palace

 Gruss Gott

Since it was a bit cooler today, I wanted to make sure I got my walking in.  My smart phone counts my steps for me, and my goal is well over 10,000, which I have been reaching regularly.  In service of this goal, I decided to take a different approach to Schonbrunn. There's a U Bahn stop for the palace, but you still have to walk a piece, and it's not very scenic. Or you can do what I did today--go one stop further to Hirtzing, stroll to the gate and enter Schonbrunn's grounds by the back door.

It's a lovely shady walk under the trees and far less frantic than the main entrance. I encountered quite a few joggers, but the green, glimpses of gardens and quiet were lovely.  On my previous visit to Vienna and Schonbrunn while taking this walk, I was accosted by a pair of pastry loving squirrels. I kept my eye out, but this time all I saw were birds, who seem very habituated to the presence of humans.

I had obtained my ticket on line, paying royally for The Grand Tour of the palace, and no oldness discount was on offer. Tickets have a timed entry and Schonbrunn is strict about this. The entry price includes an audioguide.

Now I love period rooms, and I have to say that Maria Theresa's digs are sumptuous, but what I don't like is sharing said rooms with hundreds of other people. It was a zoo with large tour groups clumped and blocking the passages. I tolerate crowds. I do not like them,  And it was hard to see some of the things.  The photo will give you an idea.

The decoration is largely Later Baroque and Rococo with some rooms done in the style of the Early Nineteenth Century. It was all beautiful--elegant and grand. While I did enjoy a lot, I also felt disappointed that I did not get an optimal experience for the money I paid, and I was relieved to get outside again and back under the trees.

But I am not done with Schonbrunn. There's more to see, and I will be back for it.


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