Wednesday, July 17, 2024

At the Airport

 Gruss Gott,

I thought I'd make another post detailing my departure experience. I was instructed by the aparthotel folks to leave my key in the lockbox--the one I had trouble with on arrival, so I gave myself a time cushion so I could mess with it, but I finally got it done.

Then the trip to the airport was fast and smooth.

But then. I printed out my luggage tag and applied it and got in line for the automated drop off. Problem was none of the machines assigned to our flight worked. I was there nearly an hour before the technician got things back on line, and then my bag needed "handling," which meant I had to show my passport.  Sometimes, you know, machines alone won't do; you need humans.

I still had time to wander around duty free, but I didn't see anything exciting. I made my way through security and passport control to my gate.

Now I have always just gone in and found a seat. Not this time. There was a huge line stretching into infinity because Austrian Airlines was doing a document check. Some people were pulled aside by security officers who weren't satisfied with passports or visas. I do not know how these folks were chosen, but I suspect it helps to look European, which I do.

Also some people were turned away at the gate and told to come back in half an hour. I was let in, and I think it was because I'm in Premium Economy and Boarding Group 3. 

So I'm hoping boarding goes fast and easy and I'm looking forward to a pleasant flight.


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