Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Wilkommen in Munchen!

Guten Tag!
I arrived brain buzzed and dehydrated, but I arrived after a long but smooth trip.  The adventure started early when the van driver gave me the wrong bag, and I didn't notice right away.  The flight was fine.  I just didn't sleep.  There were no screaming children or noisy cabin mates--just a supremely uncomfortable seat.  I also had a rather unfortunate dinner of rubbery pasta with over-seasoned--sauce I guess it was supposed to be.  All of us in the back of the plane shared in this experience as the other--much better sounding meal--ran out.
So I finally got to leave Munich Airport and come into the city.  The S Bahn station was easy to find and the machines are multi lingual, and I had Euro--a good thing since there is no ticket office.  The trains are very nice and smooth and the ride into town occasionally picturesque.  I got off at my stop. Now here is where I express my gratitude to google maps.  I scouted the area and noticed that there was a huge Mercedes Benz headquarters in the direction I needed to go.  When I exited the station, I looked around and spotted the logo.  No getting lost this time!
I lucked into a very good deal with a very nice room and wireless at the Citadines.  I swilled down a bottle of sparkling water, so the dehydration is taken care of.  The brain buzz remains, so I hope this makes sense.
Tomorrow the Real Adventures start!


  1. Okay, going to google-map Citadines . . .

  2. Arnulfparkstrasse. The nearest S Bahn station is Donnersbrucke.
