Thursday, July 18, 2013

Off the Tourist Trail

Gruss Gott!
I need to alternate big, long touristing days with easier, shorter ones.  When I was on my day tour yesterday the guide mentioned yet another Wittelsbach castle that I'd never heard of.  Naturally my ears pricked, and I wrote the name down.  As we passed nearby I looked around for tram tracks or the S Bahn.  Nope.
I googled the name and found enough information to make me think it was a worthwhile trip. Obviously if it's not on tourist radar, it's not going to be a major sight.  In fact the place, Blutenburg was a hunting lodge built on the outskirts of Munich in the early seventeenth century.  After building Nymphenburg, the Wittelsbach ceded Blutenburg to another family.  The castle has been much altered and most of it is not open to the public.  There is some kind of international student library there.  But the Real Attraction was the prospect of Parkland.
So I got myself a transport day pass and took the S Bahn to Pasing, my googlish researches telling me that this was the stop.  I have to admit I was skeptical as I had seen no signs of S Bahn previously, but I hopped out and began walking in what I fondly hoped was the right direction.  I had a nice stroll through a pretty neighborhood with some old houses, but could see no indication of any schloss or parkland.  Also I needed a toilet.
So I tramped back to the train station.  I ended up wandering around a fancy shopping mall for a while until I found some facilities and some stores to poke around in.  This turned out to be a Good Thing.  I came out the other side of the train station and saw numerous bus stops.  I dislike taking buses but did recall seeing a bus stop when Blutenburg was mentioned.  After a search I found Bus 56 and its end point was--wait for it--Schloss Blutenburg.  After a brief wait, I hopped aboard.
As it happens my original instincts were correct, and I had headed in the right direction, but I don't think I would have found the place on my own.
I crossed the road from the stop and walked over a bridge, and I was there!  The schloss is fairly small and built around a courtyard.  There's a beer cafe, which I ignored.
I walked around the building and around the pond and said hello to the Swan Family and many ducks and geese.  I made a Big Loop of the park.  I had to cross a couple of streets, and even so did not make it all the way to the end.  So I had a nice woodland walk, but most of the park is a huge meadow, and while it is nice, it's not as wonderful as Nymphenburg.
Only one part of the schloss is still open to the public.  There's a gothic chapel that looked thirteenth century to me although the decorations were more fifteenth.  Anyway it was gorgeous, and I had it all to myself.
I took the bus back to the station and the S Bahn back to the center, got cash, and walked around a bit and then came home via the grocery store.  I have worked out a short cut that's not much shorter but a more pleasant walk.  That's one thing about settling into a place for a while.  You get to know the area.
The beer of the day is from Hof Brau and is called Munich Summer Beer--I have provided an English translation.  Ok.  Let's just forget about Oktober Fest and just enjoy summer and its delicious beer.  Hof Brau makes some mighty rich tasting brews all right.  I really like this--although I have to admit I can't taste the summer.