Monday, July 1, 2013

Tell it to the Grimaldis!

Guten Tag!
So last April I was standing in line at Bologna Airport waiting for check in and a guy asked me in Italian if I was flying to Monaco.  The bewilderment on my face must have told the tale.  "Munchen," he said.  I said,"Ja"--I mean--"Si, Munchen."
Who cares.  Who are these Grimaldis, and why should I tell them anything?
The ruling family of the Principality of Monaco tucked into southern France.
Your knowing things like that is Really Obnoxious, Pil.  Monaco?
Means "Place of the Monks"  So does Munchen--that's Munich to you, and it makes sense to me.  So many cities not founded by Romans were originally monastic.  So while I am going to "Monaco" I shall not be visiting the fleshpots of Monte Carlo this trip!  But Munich these days isn't exactly monastic either.
It's July, Pil.  You are supposed to go in October to Oktober Fest.  Even I know that!
Uh.  Oktober Fest actually takes place in September, and no I am NOT showing up.  Munich is expensive enough as it is.  The "Fest" being popular with foreigners wanting to consume in excess, hotel prices go up, and accidents or victimhood among the drunken foreigners are not uncommon.
So I'm happy to go in July.
Why does something called Oktober Fest take place in September?
I don't know but my theory has to do with the change from the Julian to the Gregorian Calendar.
Your theories are obnoxious, too.  But good choice this time Pil.  Lotsa food and drink I bet.  Ummm beer!
And history and art, but never fear.  I will report on food and drink--knowing my audience as I do.  German food has the reputation of being heavy on the sausages, potatoes, and cabbage.  We shall see.
In the meantime let's have some fun facts about Munich to warm us all up.
See, the name "Monaco" and all those Italians flying there?  The joke is that Munich is not the southernmost German city.  It's the northernmost Italian city!  Bavarians have always been proud of their distinct regional and cultural identity.  Like many Europeans they both cherish their traditions and embrace modernity.
So that young German hipster you see with his laptop open, a cell phone in one hand, and a sausage in the other will be eating that Weisswurst for breakfast--Fruhstuck to us Germans--because it's just not done to have that sort of sausage for lunch.
By the way I intend to keep my congratulations to the EU on its latest member, Croatia, to myself.  Germany is the economic engine of the EU, and most Germans aren't keen on having their money drained off to support the struggling members.  If Bavaria were its own country, it's economy would rank nineteenth in the world.  Not bad!
Oh yeah!  I get it.   BMW stands for Bavarian Motor Works.
Don't forget Audi, Porsche, and Mercedes--not to mention Siemans and Adidas.  But we aren't going to any corporate headquarters.  Munich is well provided with museums and markets, and Bavaria abounds with lakes, mountains--and castles.
So please join me in the exploration of this fascinating city and region.