Tuesday, May 3, 2022

When Both Plans A and B Come to Naught

 Bon jour, mes amies,

Do you like reading about how I deal with the frustrations of foreign travel?  You have certainly come to the right place with this blog.  I have a new museum pass.  I had plans.  Ha ha ha ha ha.  Of course, I should have taken my map.  That would have helped.

I wanted to visit Musee Rodin, and it was a bit far to walk, so I decided to take the metro.  I'd have to change to another line, but no big deal--until we got to the stop before mine and were asked to leave the train.  There are repairs going on and the line past that point is shut down.

Fine, I thought, climbing to the street, I'm out here already, I'll just walk the rest of the way.  I walked across the Place de Concorde and found a bridge and guessed.  Wrongly.  After a while I realized this, but no problem, because the Musee de Eugene Delacroix was up ahead.  I remembered seeing signs on my way to the d'Orsay.  And it was a pleasant day and few people were smoking on the streets.  Things were fine.  I saw the sign and turned up Rue Bonaparte and walked a long way.  I passed a lot of interesting art galleries, the kind that sell art, so that was fun to look at.At length there was another sign, but I could not find the street named in it.  Well, phooey.

To console myself I walked back a bit to visit St. Germain des Pres because I just love Romanesque churches, and this is the only one in Paris.  The rest are Gothic or Baroque--or in the case of Sacre Coeur--eclectic.   Even St. Germain is not pure Romanesque.  There are many Gothic.  It's a beautiful church gorgeously decorated with frescos, paintings, and statuary.  All the visitors remained silent as requested, so it was a peaceful and beautiful place to spend some time.

I actually could have metroed back from St. Germain, but I'm walking myself into fitness and it was a nice day, so I proceeded down Blvd. St Germain with a few short detours looking mostly at food shops.  I was tempted but did not buy having treats at home.   Like the rest of the foie gras.  The French eat it as an appetizer, but I'm guessing not very often.  It is an indulgence.  And pain Polaine goes with everything.  A simple, but perfect apero. Dinner was a Breton galette with ham and cheese.

You don't need to feel sorry for me.  I got to walk around Paris and the city itself is a sight and experience.

A demain.


  1. It sounds like a perfect day, even if it wasn’t what you planned!

  2. It was a lovely day, and I got to see some cool things, so yes.
