Saturday, May 14, 2022

Back to Les Grandes Boulevards

 Bon jour, mes amies,

The bike race is starting later today, so I got in a good day of touristing.  I started out with some chores.  I went to get a croissant at the fancy bakery.  It's in the freezer.

Why don't you just get one fresh on Sunday morning?"

You'll find plenty of bakeries open on Sundays, but Julien is closed up tight, and anyway I eat early.  I also had to go to the grocery store.  A lot of things are closed on Sundays in Europe. I had to learn to plan ahead.

I also got a notice from Air France.  They need me to fill out a form stating that I have had a negative covid test.  I asked one of the nice young people at reception to print it for me.  It looks like Air France is willing to take my word for it, but I think U.S. Border Control is going to want proof.  Fortunately the staff here is familiar with the need and I was directed to a pharmacy where I can be tested on Monday.

Right now I am sipping green tea and awaiting the stage.

It was a nice day--good for walking--and as you may have noticed, I just like walking around the city.  Many of the buildings are beautiful.  They have shops on the ground floor and maybe offices on the first floor, but then there are apartments above.  I often wonder what it would be like to live in one.  I suspect chronic plumbing problems.

So it's nice to enjoy some sunshine and fresh air in a beautiful city with plenty of windows to lick and cute dogs to admire.  I took a new route via Rue Monmartre which winds around a bit, but then empties into Boulevard Monmartre, which changes its name it seems every two blocks.  I was soon walking on Boulevard Hausmann where I immediately came upon a flea market--what the French call Brocante.  It wasn't a big one, but there were a few fun looking things.  I don't buy what I can't pack though.

Yes, I was going back to Galeries La Fayette in particular the food store.  I thought rightly that it would be a good place to pick up some presents, but I had a good look around at everything.  I came upon a refrigerated case full of nothing but luxury appetizers.  Savory petite fours, anyone?  I am glad I didn't know about this before or my elderly digestion surely would have suffered overload.  I'm going to be content with olives, the last of the dolmas, and some Valencay cheese today.  I'll have some pasta for dinner. 

I did buy some things at Galeries La Fayette,  I found something I know that my friends like that came in packable form.  I also got something naughty that I can't pack, so I'll have to consume it here as soon as I figure out how.  

A demain

An update.  I was watching the race and almost dozing when my doorbell rang.  Usually my room is done on Sunday, but she showed up today.  I had to get dressed and vacate.  I took my lap top with me to watch the race, but I'm back now, and I decided to have a treat--the naughtiness I mentioned earlier.  I got some Angelina hot chocolate in a bottle and I heated it up in my microwave.  Hot chocolate madness!  So rich.

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