Monday, May 9, 2022

A Rest and Shopping Day

 Bon jour, mes amies,

I kind of want to apologize for my age, but I have decided it's not necessary.  I have been touristing pretty hard, so I want another easy day.  The trip has done me good.  In contrast to my habits at home, I have gone out every single day and done something--including today.  I get pretty fresh air--for a city--and some sunshine and healthful exercise.  But sometimes, I am just not in much of a mood to be a great traveller, and it's understandable when I am here for a longer time.

Of course I went out.  I had to go to Monoprix after the weekend.  And I did some shopping at Les Halles.  For one thing there's a giant pharmacy.  I find French pharmacies as fascinating as the grocery stores.  This one has EVERYTHING including high end skin care and cosmetics, but then most of them do. 

In addition pharmacists act as a kind of primary care physicians or at least physicians' assist.ants.  If you have health question, go ahead and ask.  They will either answer or refer you to the proper health authority.  Moreover, I am relieved that many pharmacies in my vicinity will offer covid tests.  I will need a negative test to reeenter the United States.

So I walked around Les Halles, and I attended Rue Montorgueil.  The cheese shops where closed but I found a rotisserie, and I pounced.

What they call poulet fermier is free range chicken. One feature of French food markets is these chicken being slow roasted on a rotisserie.  It is a bit on the pricey side, but so good.  I attended Rue Montorgueil today and got half a one.  I may just eat the whole thing.  It is so chickeny, and the meat is moist and tender, and so very tasty.  I'm only embarrassed that I can't turn the bones into stock.

I am replete with meat.

A demain

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