Thursday, October 10, 2019

Return to Rome

Bona Sera!
On the train into the city, I saw a poor, benighted soul trying to recharge his cell phone using a North American plug.  Seriously?  It's tacky to shame ignorance, but every single guide book in the galaxy on line or off explains about the need for adaptors and has illustrations.  These things are easy and affordable from Amazon, and the traveler in need can find them abroad, but the merchants know how to soak desperate travelers.
I had a smooth trip out--it was just long, involved, and tiring. I'm dehydrated, but I have a nice bottle of sparkling San Pellegrino water and a snack.
I've finally joined the second decade of the Twenty-first Century.  I dumped the unreliable ride share van for a ride hailing service.  Easy Peasy.  I had a quick, comfortable ride to the airport.
Once there I was directed to the express lane of security, and it took only five minutes to get through--and that included having my hands swabbed.  I don't need to be so anxious about leaving home early now.
My seat mates on both flights were pleasant.  The cabins were quiet.  I flew LAX to Munich in Premium Economy, which is nice.  I dozed briefly, but didn't really sleep.  Right now I'm jet lagged to the point where I have a hard time understanding what people say to me.  Nothing was hard--it was just really, really, really long, and I am not as young as I used to be.
The pilot on the Munich-Rome flight was a joker, and he had us all in stitches.
I believed I got a deal on my apartment, and it's fine, but now I know why it was cheaper.  There's a communal kitchen.  I'm not excited about this, but it looks like the visitors are responsible.  I didn't see piles of dirty dishes or left overs, and we all get a section of the refrigerator to ourselves.  It should be fine.  I keep early hours anyway.  I just need to be careful not to disturb my neighbors when I make breakfast--which may not be all that early tomorrow anyway.
I'll be here a few days before leaving for Naples.  I have some unfinished business with the City.

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