Wednesday, October 30, 2019


It's not a buon giorno, amici, I was given bogus information about my flight and when I arrived finally at the check in desk, the attendant refused to check me in saying the gate was going to close--I still think I could have made it.  Those of you who know me know that I'm am not flakey and I am an experienced traveler.  I know how long it takes to get to airports and go through security.  I should have been fine.  I'm not.
Instead I was sent over to ticketing, and they will get me home, but I should be flying to Los Angles now, and instead I'm waiting at the airport for my flight to Munich, and then I will be routed through Chicago (mercifully this long jag in premium economy) and then to Los Angeles arriving around midnight.  Oh also it's going to cost me some $3,000.00 to get home.  I am not a happy traveler.

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