Monday, October 28, 2019

Stomping Around Rome

Buon Giorno,
I'm so footsore that it feels like I literally spent the day stomping around Rome rather than ambling.  Since it's Monday here, most museums are closed, but I thought I could have a wander around the historic center and pop into some churches and also do some shopping.
First I looked around the upscale shopping mall opposite my metro stop.  I love it for the huge supermarket in the basement, but the food court up top is also a hoot.  One feature is a gigantic Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant--not a take away--it's a sit down restaurant.  You could also get sushi if you really wanted it in Italy.  Why would you though?
As I left the mall I caught a glimpse of the very tip top of Michelangelo's Dome for St. Peter's.  I'd bet there's a good view from the food court, but I didn't check.
I metroed to Flamminio and strolled down Via del Corso, which I like because there are fun windows to lick and it's pedestrianized.  But then I turned aside and wound my way through some very narrow streets to Piazza Navona.  I passed through the rich tourist zone with boutique hotels, luxury good shops, and lines of taxis.
The Piazza is magnificent with a major fountain designed by Bernini among other sights.  I wanted the Church of St. Agostino, but it was closed up tight.  I moved on.
I did find the Chiasa Nuovo open and went to look at Caravaggio's Deposition of Christ from the Cross.  I guess Caravaggio has been a constant theme during this trip. The painting is marvelous.  I tried taking a photo as the rest of my attempts to photograph Caravaggio have been miserable failures.  But there was a reflection, so we'll have to see.
I made my way to Corso Vittorio Emanuele II.  Every major Italian city has one of these to honor the first king of a united Italy since Theodoric the Ostrogoth.  Vittorio Emanuele II was amiable, but mediocre and looked like a walrus.  He had enough sense, however, to listen to his extraordinarily talented Prime Minister, Count Cavour--in case you were wondering about all the streets, metro stops etc. named Cavour.
Vittorio Emanuele II has another monument in Rome, and if you come here you will not be able to miss it no matter how much you may want to.  It's huge and made of blindingly white marble.  The thing looks like a megalomaniac's fever dream, and it fact it was conceived of and supervised by Mussolini himself (I think on the chance that if he honored a predecessor, his successor would lavishly honor him.).
I proceeded down the Corso because I wanted a particular street with a particular shop.  On my previous trip I found it easily.  This time I got all turned around and ended up in Piazza Venezia--which is not a bad place to end up.  I started over.  Got turned around again.  I was on the wrong side of the street. Blah Blah.
I did end up at my desired destination.  I was after some super duper lux Italian soap.  A very charming and attractive young man waited on me and treated me like a duchess despite my travel worn appearance.
My purchase made, I went back to the Corso VE2 to find a bus that would take me to the train station.  So when I didn't need the bus stop, I practically tripped over one on every block.  When I wanted one they mysteriously disappeared, and anyway I was on the wrong side of the street.
I finally found one and the bus came quickly, and I had an interesting ride past some of Rome's major sites.  I caught the Metro at Termini and walked home, and here I am having my apero with that rather nice rose I got yesterday.  I'll have it with my pasta and bolognese sauce later on for dinner.

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