Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Nice was Nice!

Bon jour, mes amies,

I am greeting you from Heathrow Airport Terminal 3.  My trip here was smooth, and I hope the next legs of my journey goes well.
I was very sorry to leave Nice.  I enjoyed a gracious welcome and a pleasant stay in the beautiful city, and I loved exploring the area despite the dirty weather.  I get into such French habits quickly.  If no traffic is coming we feel free to cross against the lights, and I also I find that South of France drivers are courteous to pedestrians.
The weather turned again.  I checked out and had a hike to where I could get the airport bus.  I looked on line and saw wildly optimistic estimations of how long it took to get through security, so I'm glad I opted to get to the airport early.
At check in the airline was refusing carry on bags to some travelers.  I was prepared to fight.  I have a connecting flight, and I did not want my carry on checked through to LAX.  You can try prying my laptop from my cold, dead hand, but you still won't get it away from me.  Fortunately, my bag was cleared for carry on with no issue.
I found a Pret a Manger, which is probably my favorite fast food outlet and spent some Euros on a wrap.  I ate half on the plane and half here, and I'm glad I got it in France.  For one thing I had Euros, for another the Pret in Terminal Three seems to have vanished.
Oddly passport control in Nice was after security and duty free and right before the gates.  One family was very anxious as they had heard the final call for their flight and the line was slow.  I told them to go ahead of me (Travelers' Code: We help each other.), and they were absurdly grateful.  I hope they made their flight.  And speaking of Travelers' Code, I am grateful to the gentlemen who offer to lift my carry on bag up and down from the overhead bins.
Before I close I want to express some profound sympathy for my former host country France on the fire damage done to Notre Dame de Paris.  The video of the spire falling is horrifying, and I hope that the rebuilding goes quickly and well.
Thank you for sharing my journey!
Au revoir.

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