Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Rome Sweet Rome

I'm here--finally--a dream come true!  Ever since I knew of such a place I have wanted to come to Rome, and now I am here.
It took some doing.  I flew from LAX to London, and the flight here was delayed.  It's easy enough to get into town via the Leonardo Express.  There are machines, and all over Europe ticket machines and atms give the user a choice of languages.  I pick English.  If you have trouble using the machines they are monitored by patient rail employees.
I navigated Termini station and found the ticket machines for the metro.  Now I am an experienced traveler and ticket machines do not intimidate me--especially when one of the language choices is English. I got the ticket with no problem.
But that's when the Comedy of Errors began!  I blame jet lag.  I couldn't figure out how to use the ticket at the gate.  I stuck it in the wrong place and lost it.  I got another.  I still couldn't figure it out, but finally I did. Ok.  Got on the right train in the right direction.  I even got off at the correct stop.
I had the directions with me, and they are very clear.  Only that does not guarantee that I understood them properly in my jet lagged state.  I also didn't help that I misread a sign.  I set off in the direction opposite to that I should have headed in.  I figured this out and backtracked.  This time I paid more attention to the directions and I fetched up here in this very nice apartment.
Oh and being lost in Rome?  Well I turned around and saw Michelangelo's Dome atop St. Peters.  So that's not bad at all.
I dumped my bags and went to the grocery store.  I put the bottle of Prosecco in the freezer to cool while I made my spinach tortellone.  The bottle froze to the bottom of the freezer, and I had to wrestle it out.  But it's good.
I'm being Roman and having dinner far later than I usually do, but I'll revert to habit tomorrow.
One thing I have to say about my accommodations.  They want to look after their visitors, so I am going to have a consult with the charming proprietor tomorrow morning.  My first stop--The Vatican!


  1. Turned around and there was the Domo! Oh, Rome sounds like it will be fabulous!

  2. Wonderful! I so enjoyed Rome. Lots of Caravaggio's. The Vatican Museum is overwhelming, it would take forever to take it all in. The Villa Borghese was a bit of a schelpp, but worth it. Enjoy!

  3. Thanks. Lots of that on my list of things to see.
