Friday, September 22, 2017

Snooting Around in London

A Proper Good Morning to You,
I had a good nights sleep and felt pretty perky this morning, but I had a pleasant low key day doing nothing much.  Since Holborn Station was closed to entry, I strolled down to Covent Garden Station licking windows along the way.
On the way I experienced a London Underground Security issue.  Our train was held at Russell Square Station for about ten minutes.  I was contemplating getting off and continuing my journey on foot when it was announced that the Transit Authority had found an unattended package at Caledonian Road, but it was all clear now.  We proceeded.
I did do something touristy today.  I went to the British Library.  It's free to enter although one has to open one's bags at security.  I was surprised at how busy it was, but that's a good thing.  The British Library's collection is huge, so the documents exhibited rotate although you can always find Magna Carta for example and a Gutenberg Bible.
Among the things I was most excited to see was Miss Jane Austen's juvenile "Volume the Third" and to go to rather another extreme the Codex Sinaiticus, the earliest surviving version of the entire New Testament in Greek and part of the Greek Old Testament.  It dates from the Fourth Century CE. Amazing.
One of Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks was displayed along with a letter from Michelangelo and some drawings by Albrecht Durer.  Numerous and very intricately illuminated Books of Hours were also shown, some no bigger than the palm of my small hand.
The lighting is kept low to protect the manuscripts.
After that I walked up to St. Pancras Station. Yes.  I know I just came from there yesterday, but I didn't have a chance to look around, and this is London's version of a Hauptbahnhof, so I could hardly resist.  I'm pretty sure that the traveller can get from pretty much anywhere from there that doesn't involve actually crossing an ocean.  Something I forgot to mention yesterday was that the Eurostar I took came from Brussels and all the announcements were made in French, English, and Flemish.  Pretty cool!
St. Pancras also hosts a high end shopping mall.  I had a good look around and ended up spending all my money on fancy tea from the local branch of Fortnum and Mason.  One is a special blend called St. Pancras which comes loose in tins, and while you can get it on line, the station store is the only brick and mortar place it's sold.  I got some. I don't know how I'm going to pack all this tea, but I am sure I'll manage.
I brought part of France home with me, so with my refreshing and English pear cider, I am having some luscious Rocamador goat cheese.  As it melts at room temperature, it melted on the trip, but that's ok.  It's lovely--all mild and creamy.  Next up is some Pont L'Eveque cows milk cheese.  It's got a slightly stretchier texture and a much stronger flavor.  Both are divine with the pear cidre.  Both are raw milk cheeses that I have to eat now because it is illegal to bring them into the United States--and you just know that LAX employs cheese sniffing dogs.
For dessert there is Butter!  Yes, I love butter so much I eat it for dessert since it's a rare treat in my life.  This is the wonderful demi sel (lightly salted with sea salt crystals) raw milk butter from my friends at Pascal Bellevaire.  It just tastes so marvelously buttery!  I had it with the apple cidre, and it made a nice combination. All these spreads were served on Pain Polaine.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day. I love libraries.

  2. Nice to hear from you! You'd go nuts in this one. They do let visitors apply for reading privileges.

  3. Oh, butter and fresh bread are in my top fave things to eat.

  4. When they are good, there's very little that could be better!
