Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Bonjour Mes Amies!

If you are used to a lot of freely flowing water, my fascination with rivers may appear senseless, but I live in a semi desert where the "river" flows underground or dries up.  Today I visited the confluence where Rhone and Saone meet, and I gather the interpretation is that the Saone flows into the Rhone which continues to be the Rhone.  There's an intriguing museum there, too.
It's warm but overcast and a bit humid.  It's not uncomfortable.  I decided to walk down the the Confluence even though it was a long way.  I figured I could pick a route through Presqu-ile that would allow the licking of windows.  I have been licking windows all along in the land of lecher le vitrine, (It means window shopping, so don't be grossed out.) and I must say that Lyon provides many opportunities to slurp at some mighty fine goods.  I dropped into a perfume store for a squirt--not bad.  Well, I walked and walked and walked some more.  I mistook a train station for a shopping mall and almost got turned around.  After even more walking I came upon an actual shopping center, which was fairly upscale and which had a nice and free toilet.  I availed myself of these facilities.
Then I walked some more.  The museum didn't open today until 11:00 so I had time to stroll to the very end of the peninsula for a look at the meeting of these two rivers.
The Museum of the Confluence is fairly new and is housed in one of those flamboyant modern buildings all over shiny surfaces, jutting roofs, and angles.  The building is large, but because it's so open it seems airy and light.  The contents are part natural history and part anthropology.  I had a good time.
I saw a lot of fossils and stuffed animals.  One cool thing is that a few of the exhibits are touchable.  I petted a dinosaur skull complete with teeth and a skull with horns of a woolly rhinoceros.  But the coolest of all was getting to fondle a chunk of our moon, and run my fingers over a sliver of Mars and some "star dust."
I also saw a lot of nice artifacts and a handsome collection of Non Western Art.
I finished up with a trip through a temporary exhibits on poisons complete with glass containers with snakes, and venomous insects.
But after that and a lot of stairs up and down I was not in the mood for that long walk back home.  A tram stop stood just by the museum, and it was a line that would get me home.  I got a ticket from the machine and hopped aboard.  Now it turned out that I miscalculated my stop but not badly.  I just had to walk back down the street for a bit, and the walking did me good.  So now I will sip my highly refreshing Kir Royale.
What's for dinner, Pil?  On account of it's Birthday Week!
Well, I can't have saturated fat All the Time, so pasta is on the menu, but since I'm going to douse it with fancy olive oil, it's still pretty indulgent, and I'll wash it down with some AOC Rose I pulled off the shelf.  One can get some pretty fancy wines even in corner grocery stores--only I don't, and I have never had anything skunky since I stick to AOC.
My pasta is buckwheat pasta, which I have never had, filled with mushroom. Shall we have a bite?
Mmmm.  That is lush.  I'm not missing the saturated fat.
A demain!


  1. I'd love to see confluence of two rivers. (But then I feel about flowing water the same way you do.)

    I think your Birthday Week food plan is excellent. I will adopt it.

  2. Well. Now I've modified it to Birthday Month. I just love crossing the Rhone and sometimes the Saone and just pausing to watch the flow.
