Monday, October 10, 2022

Rainy Day Shopping in Lisbon

 Bom Dia,

I had another airport dream.  In this one I made my flight, but when I got to Heathrow things fell apart.  In my dream I was able to board the connecting flight without a boarding pass, so I didn't know where the flight was going or what my seat was. Impossible in real life, I assure you!

The museums are closed on Monday, so it was time to rev up my credit card and go shopping.  I consulted google maps and went back to area where I emerged bewildered from the metro my first night here.  I was far more confident and oriented this time.

Of course it was all up hill and featured stairs as well.  My area is heavily touristed but relatively tranquil.  I walked into a bustling business/tourist district chock full of shops, traffic, trams, and tour groups.  It was noisy and crowded.  Since being here I have learned that a Largo is a plaza and a Praca is a larger largo.  I snooted around and licked windows. (OK not literally.  It comes from a French term for window shopping.)  Then I made my way up another steep hill.

My target was the Lisbon branch of a famous Portuguese toiletries made by Claus Porto.  The shop is small but very elegant.  The shop assistant told me it was a former pharmacy and pointed out the ceiling molding and wooden cabinets that they kept.  These a high class products, and all this elegance and beautiful packaging does come at a price, but the scents are irresistible.  I picked up some small soaps to give as gifts.

My next target did not open until 11, so I walked around for a bit. I also discovered that google maps sent me the long way around.

There is this cork store that came highly recommended by my guidebook.  Now cork and its products can be found in every touristy shop.  You may be thinking of wine bottle stoppers, but that not what we have here.  The cork is made smooth and thin and can be made into all kinds of things, including clothing.  The shop was much smaller than I expected and their sensibility is sleek and modern.  Very nice.  Not what I was looking for.  The offerings in my neighborhood are much prettier, so I'll be shopping local.

Then I came upon a shopping center--miniscule by American standards, but I had a good look around.  I found something I'd be looking for--a premium Portuguese chocolate shop.  I admired the offerings and bought a few things.  I also attended the Sephora and helped myself to some expensive cologne.  You can find it right next to the Starbucks.

I was actually pretty close to home by that time and had my umbrella up, so I came home for apero.  I made some green tea because it goes remarkably well with that fatty, gorgeous Portuguese ham, and it also makes me feel I am not completely destroying my health eating it.  The meat part is chewy and the fat just melts in my mouth.

I opened the window so I could hear the rain falling.  It's just lovely.  When I'm out I carry an umbrella--just in case.  I'm seeing from my windows, hapless folk taking shelter where they can, but they still to get where they are going.

Bye for now

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