Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Woodland Walk

My last full day here was gorgeous. I didn’t even wear my sweater.
After the usual chores and errands.  I attempted to get smorrebrod for my last dinner in Copenhagen, but the place was closed for three weeks.  What a disappointment.  I am going to miss those sandwiches.
I wonder if the ticket guys at Norrebro recognize me by now.  Anyway I was off to Klampenborg and Dryerhaven and a glimpse of Bakken, which is in fact the world's oldest amusement park
The Dryerhaven is a sort of nature reserve.  It's wooded and crossed by many paths.  I chose to spend my last afternoon wandering there.  I loved the green and gold peaceful countryside.  The traffic noise faded away.  I encountered cyclists and a few other walkers.  I breathed deeply of the fresh, wood scented air and enjoyed a lovely experience of the sort I do not get at home.
I wish I knew more about trees.  I can recognize oaks when I see them, but I could not tell you which kinds I saw.  Beeches are common.  I saw pines or firs or maybe both.  
I met a family strolling along in the company of their French Bulldog.  The creature was huffing and flapping its tongue, so I huffed at it and flapped mine—much to the amusement of the dog's humans.  French Bulldogs appear to be the Danes' favorite.  I saw a lot of them around and they are ubiquitous on TV commercials and advertisements.
I have not, however, encountered any Great Danes.
As the afternoon progressed I found myself overtaken by an increasing number of horse-drawn carriages and greater crowds.  Then I heard the noise of squealing roller coaster riders.  I'd come upon Bakken and the crowd of Danes taking advantage of the fine weather.  Unlike Tivoli admission to Bakken is free, but I did not go in far.  I just took a quick peak.  There are carnival games, and lots of food stands, and plenty of rides.
Back in Copenhagen I stopped at a Polgser Vogn for dinner for one of those serious sausages to have with the last of my Danish beer.  Now I have to pack up because I'm leaving early tomorrow.


  1. I was hoping for some dog sightings!

    1. I saw a chocolate-colored Danish Candy Bug one day on Stroget.

  2. Oh, the intense GREEN of that wood!

  3. Beeches are lovely trees! And I love the first photo, that path through the green-gold grass.

    1. I had a beautiful day. I crave the green and trees! Right now I'm even missing the cold wind and rain.
