Wednesday, August 1, 2012


You thought I meant Tivoli when I said I’d be near the world’s oldest amusement park.  Admit it.
Well, yeah. Isn't it?
Ha!  Tivoli is the Second Oldest Amusement Park.  Denmark also has the oldest—just down the road in Bakken, but Tivoli is smack in the middle of Copenhagen right next to the main train station.  I had to go.
But first I had to have breakfast and do some errands.  You probably don't want to know about the errands, but how about breakfast?  I succumbed to the lure of . . .  bacon.  For the usual health reasons I don't eat it, but I'm in Denmark, Pork capital of the Galaxy and it looked so good.  I indulged in an old fashioned fatty bacon and eggs breakfast, and I have to say that bacon was so scrumptious.  I don't cook it really crisp, so it was rich tasting, luscious, and not too salty.
And oh yeah, I had thickly buttered rye bread, too.  Sorry, Arteries.
I showed up about a half hour after Tivoli opened and still had to wait in a long line to get in.  I had fun walking around, but I didn't pay the additional fee to go on any rides.  Some of the rides are kiddie rides.  A few of them looked terrifying.  There was one with two little airplanes at the end of long—really long—metal arms that swung the planes around and around and sometimes rotated them.  I watched in horrified fascination wondering how anyone could do that without getting sick.  One attraction was called "The Odin Express" for a little touch of tradition, but most of the park was a fantasy oriental style.
It's quite a pretty place even when—as usual it began to rain hard.  The rain did not seem to dampen at all the enjoyment the Danes and foreign visitors experienced.
Those used to Disney and Six Flags won't find the high tech here or all the thrill rides.  It's a far more low-key experience, and a lot of elderly people were there for the atmosphere rather than the rides.
You can also eat at Tivoli—and pretty much whatever you fancy.  Smorrebrod is there of course and polsger, but if you want an elaborate sit down meal, or Asian noodles in a casual setting you can find them.  Actually I think there were more Italian restaurants there than actual rides.
And if your krone are Really Burning a Hole in Your Pocket, you can find shops in which to spend them.  There are branches of some well-known Danish stores catering to the sucker tourist trade.
Me?  I stuck to the gardens and the walks along the (small) lakes and had a good time.


  1. I'll have to look up Tivoli in GoogleEarth

  2. These pix are stunning! I want to see them ALL.

  3. I just started reading this week. I am loving your sense of humor and am enjoying envisioning you saying all of this.
