Friday, April 12, 2019

Port-St-Jean-Cap-Ferrat: Woodland and Coastal Walk

Bon jour, mes amies,

My tram stop to come home is right in front of Galeries La Fayette, so I came home scented with a fresh tuberose with some herbal background.  Nice job, Guerlain.
Well, we got up to 16C today, which was actually a comfortable 61F as long as I kept moving.  The clouds were thin, and the sunshine was weak, but I thought it would be a good day to return to St-Jean-Cap-Ferrat and see the port and walk around a bit.  I figured even if the weather turned nasty the bus ride there and back would be scenic.
St.-Jean-Cap-Ferrat is known as a haven for gazillionaires, but the town is pretty and unpretentious and I walked through a neighborhood that housed ordinary folks.  But as I started to climb away from the port, I began to pass walled compounds.  It was very quiet.  The roads are two way streets, but so narrow that only one vehicle can pass at a time.
I came upon the Jardin de la Paix which leads to one of the walks around the peninsula. One thing I love to do and had missed so far is a woodland walk.  I don't count my strolls through olive groves, but the path took me through lush Mediterranean forest.  All I could hear was the slosh of the waves on the shore, the hum of insects, and the chirping of birds.
I emerged at the end of the cape where I learned from a sign (I don't speak French, but I can mostly read it) that the cape got its name "Ferrat" from the rugged nature of its coastline, and indeed the evidence was right before me.  Jagged rocks jut out into the sea at every turn.
The walk is flat and not difficult, but the path can be very uneven and not to be attempted in sandals or flimsy shoes.
I went most of the way around and then turned inland to have a look at the Chapel de St.-Hospice.  I ended up not knowing where I was.  Having been in this situation before, I know to keep going, and presently I climbed high enough to catch a glimpse of the port, so I knew which direction to go.  I passed the Plage Paloma, a pretty beach popular in warmer weather.  No one was there today as far as I could tell.
This was a good way to spend the day.  My eyes were filled with beauty, and I enjoyed the fresh salt air of the sea.  All that walking worked up an appetite, so it's time for some achoiade and rose.  Then I'm going to wash my hair.
A demain

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