Sunday, April 7, 2019

Stormy Weather

Bon jour, mes amies,

According to the BBC this nasty weather is the result of the jet stream dipping further south than normal, and the wet and cold stretches from the Atlantic right across into Turkey.  The bad news is that today is wet, cold and miserable.  The good news is that it apparently will warm up a bit next week, and I'll still have time for some good tourist action.
I went out and did a little shopping.  One exciting purchase was more dental floss.  Prowling the narrow streets of the Old City, I scoped out the stores with fun regional products.  But few people were out and about, and pretty soon I did not want to be out and about either.  Brrr!
So I came home.  I'm still in layers waiting for the heater in my room to work.  I'm hard cooking some eggs for a bit of extra protein, but I'll want a hot meal.
And also for apero I have treated myself to Kir Royale this time made with actual black current--Creme de Cassis.  What makes it royal is the sparkling wine.
For dinner I am having some tortellini filled with ricotta and spinach, which I will dress with garlic and olive oil--very Italian, and yet still appropriate cuisine for this region.  If something is labeled a la Provencal immediately suspect garlic, olive oil, and tomatoes at the least.  Looking around me I perceive that olive oil is the life blood of Provence. My food will be accompanied as always by rose.
And then for dessert a slice of toasted Pan Polaine toasted and thickly spread with some wonderful butter and even more wonderful lavender honey.  I love the butter and would eat mountains of it every day except for the saturated fat and the unfortunate effects raw milk butter has on my digestion.  But a little once in a while is a lovely treat.
A demain

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