Friday, April 5, 2019

Where's the Bus Stop?

Bon jour, mes amies,

I'm going to have a bite of Pan Bagnat, which is my consolation for a somewhat disappointing day.  Mmm.  These things are So Good!  It's probably one of those foods that is never as good outside its area.  I smell like a sweet liqueur made of Bulgarian Roses courtesy of Guerlain and Galeries LaFayette.  It's their latest offering--nice but very heady.  Sniffing it will make you feel like you had a gulp of said liqueur.
At any rate, the day while chilly, dawned with brilliant sunshine.  I planned to go to Beaulieu-sur-Mer another one of those small coastal towns.  I'd looked up the busses and the stop.  After a trip to the grocery store, I trammed out and found a bus stop--not for my bus.  But there were a lot of bus stops, so I persisted until I ran out.  I also saw zillions of busses go by, and none of them was the one I wanted.
I kept looking everywhere I could think of.  I got a lot of good walking done, and time spent in Nice is never wasted.  It's just lovely.  I walked along the Mediterranean marveling as always at how blue it is.  This is what I was going to do in Beaulieu-sur-Mer anyway.  I kept my eyes peeled for busses.  Nope.  I hunted up the Tourist Information Office faithfully following the signs.  The place if it exists must be in another dimension.  I walked through a lot of parks though, so that part was pleasant.
Well, I did cover a lot of ground today, and although I did not reach my destination, I do feel I did some Tourist Dharma, and I have time to make trips out of town even if I have to take the train.  But the weather looks like it's going to turn again.
I made my way at last to Cours Saleya Market and to Chez Theresa my favorite stand and a great place to pick up Nicoise specialities.  Madame speaks English well.  Usually the place is packed, but I had a bit of luck.  No one else was around.
I like to bathe my bread in a little extra olive oil when I get home.  And of course I drink it with rose.
A demain

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