Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Strolling through Berlin

Guten Tag,
I will be sorry to leave this lovely city, but my flight out tomorrow is very early, so I need to be all packed tonight and then just go out the door in the morning.  I have my bus ticket, and I know where the stop is to get the bus to the airport.  I can get something to eat and drink once I'm there.
Although the afternoon turned sultry, the morning was cool and pleasant, and I had a nice time walking around Kurfurstendamm.
Then I caught the S bahn and went to Brandenburger Tor via Hauptbahnhof. The idea was to walk from there back going through Tiergarten mostly until I could hook up with an S bahn station on my line home--or at least close to it.  My home U bahn is Adenauer Platz and I can connect with the S bahn one step up as Wilmersdorf is next to the Charlottenburg S bahn station.
I strolled under the Brandenburg Tor dodging touts and beggars.  I get approached a lot because I'm a woman alone, but I channel my inner Parisian and if I can't just ignore the person, I repulse them.  I'm not signing your petition.  I'm not giving you money.  I'm not going to take your "Free Tour."
It was a relief to walk past the Reichstag and cross the street into the woods.  Ah the deep green world!  There's nothing like the oak and beech forests I passed under near to where I live.  If I went to the mountains, I could find conifers, but it would still be dry.  Here I pass ponds, and I walked for a while along the River Spree.  I love freely flowing water!
I took whatever path looked interesting.  They were all strewn with acorns, and I wondered about squirrels.  I saw no signs of any, but the park seemed a great place for them nonetheless.  For that matter I noticed few birds.
I crossed the river and got a good look at some handsome modern architecture. At length--and to my relief because I was tired and footsore, I came upon my S bahn station.  I did not have to wait long, And here I am back in my Berlin home.  I've had some water and green tea, and now I'm ready to polish off the remains of the giant Doner Kebeb.  They make them well at the place I patronized.  I've looked at other places out of curiosity, but the ones there aren't as big or comprehensive in ingredients.  To wash it down, I have a last bottle of weissbier.
I truly enjoyed my visit here, and likewise truly appreciate all the readers who shared it with me!
Auf Wiedersehen und Vielen Danke!
[Updated at London Heathrow]  Ha! Doing all this traveling has paid off somewhat.  I have achieved an elite status with British Airways, and the counter guy when I checked in at Berlin Teigel told me to report to their airport lounge.  So I did--feeling like an imposter at first, and helped myself to the breakfast buffet and the comfy chairs.  This was very nice indeed!


  1. Sounds like a lovely finish to a great trip!

  2. It was an excellent trip! I'm going to miss the green through.
