Sunday, September 2, 2018

Museum Insel Part Zwei

Guten Tag,
I had a good day to kick off Birthday Week with a successful trip back to Museum Insel.  I even voluntarily got on a bus, and I have treated myself to a pear tart for tea.  Fruit right?  It's practically health food.
But first.  I can't believe I forgot to include this yesterday, but on my way to the U bahn I came across a market!  Well, of course, I had turn aside and at least do a walk through.  It was the Trondelmarkt--a second hand good market, and it was quite large and very busy.  I saw some nice things and it seems like a good place to pick up a souvenir or two.
The weather looked uncertain and also it's Sunday, so I decided to chance a visit to Museum Insel to pick up the museums I couldn't see last trip.  I hoped other tourists would have a later start or be discouraged by the weather.  After some serious detours caused by construction in the area, I arrived.  I did not have to wait at the ticket kiosk, and I did not have to wait to get into the Pergamon Museum.
Pro tip.  Go to the ticket kiosk and get the comprehensive ticket even if you know you can't get to all five museums (If you do it's an incredible bargain at less than four euro admission for each) because it saves time and is cost effective for even two or three museums.  Anyway, they don't sell tix to the Pergamon Museum in the museum.
The Pergamon Museum is under extensive renovation, so the Altar is not on display, but plenty of other good stuff is.  It really should be called Museum of Western Asia. The Ishtar Gate is amazing!  Plenty of other Assyrian and Babylonian goodies are on offer, but do not miss going up stairs. This museum has an incredible collection of beautiful Islamic Art, including rugs, metal work, stone carving, and ceramics.
When I emerged I managed a pitying smile for the poor saps waiting to get in--the line was long by then--as I proceeded to the Neues Museum.  It may be new, but the contents are Ancient!  Here is Berlin's Egyptian Collection.  The most famous piece is the Bust of Nefertiti from the New Kingdom, and it is just gorgeous in person.  But a lot of interesting works are on display dating from the Stone Age and going through the Bronze and Iron ages and then more from Western Asia.
I was especially taken with a magnificent exhibition of jewelry and other artifacts from the Migration Period around 500 C.E.  I have a fondness for the Barbarian Taste  I suppose it's in my Northern European blood, but I sure do go for the buckles, broaches, and all the cloisonne and interlacing involved.
My smug mood evaporated when I saw the line for the Alte Nationalgalerie. With a resigned sigh I got in it.  A long wait ensured, and it began to rain.  Fortunately I had my umbrella.
At length I was admitted.  I was tired by then, so I ignored a lot.  I was after what everyone else was--Caspar David Friedrich and especially his Wanderer, which sums up the Romantic Spirit.  I was surprised to find quite a few works by Gustave Corbet including his Bon Jour M. Courbet! as well as some lovely Constables and a few Renoirs.  So it was worth the wait in line.
Worn out I turned for home, but because of the construction I despaired of getting across the street to walk to my U bahn stop. But then I spotted a bus stop where a bus would soon arrive to take me to the Zoological Garten U bahn, so I had a nice ride seeing more of the city, and I got home safely--along with my yummy pear tart.  I was very hungry so I ate it along with a cup of green tea. while I was composing, and I'm feeling refreshed.


  1. Museum ninja skills! Sounds like a good day, and bonus rain!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I wish I could send said rain your way, and yes it was a great historical day out.
