Saturday, July 2, 2016

Moving Day!

Guten Tag!
I have certainly landed on my feet in Salzburg.  I am living for the next two weeks in a charming and spacious apartment on a pedestrianized street smack in the heart of the Old Town.  Reviews extolled not just the location and comfort, but the warmth and kindness of the proprietor, and they did not exaggerate.
Right now I am watching the first stage of the Tour de France and wondering if my buzzed brain is actually going to fall out of my skull.  I would love to get more than three hours of sleep.
You promised us food, Pil--not whining.
There will be food.  And drink, too.  One of the delightful features of my new home is the existence of a grocery store within a few minutes walk.  I went there, but first let me relate how I got here.
I packed up most reluctantly.  I liked my room in Munich, and I wanted to stay in the city.  During my last trip there I planned a day trip to Salzburg, which was thwarted by construction at the Hauptbahnhof here.  I was most put out, but now I realize it was for the best.  Instead of a puny day trip, I can have two weeks to really do the area in depth.  Me and a zillion other tourists.
I walked up to the Munich Hauptbahnhof which took about twenty minutes and got my ticket from a machine.  I had to look around for the correct platform, but all was well and I got on the train.  I wanted a window seat, but I was burdened with luggage and did not care to hunt around, so I went into a compartment.  The window seats were reserved, but I figured I would be able to see enough from the other side.
My compartment mates showed up and the woman greeted me with a friendly Gruss Gott!  I explained in my dreadful German that I was a tourist who spoke little (meaning hardly any) German.  That was all right.  This lovely couple spoke English and were friendly and chatty, so I had an especially pleasant journey with lovely country side to look at and kindly, intelligent people to talk to.  We talked Brexit.  They were annoyed and concerned.  They asked me about American politics, and I can say we emphatically agreed on ONE of the candidates.  We talked about other things, too.
One thing I learned yesterday on the Internet is that an Austrian court has ordered a "do over" for the last election for president.  The nativist right winger lost a narrow race.  Too narrow apparently.
None of this has to do with food.  You said you went to the grocery store.
First I had to get to the Alt Stadt.  I got a bus ticket on the machine and got on the bus the Internet said would take me to the Alt Stadt.  I hate taking busses!  And it wasn't my fault.  The Internet fibbed to me.  I ended up at the sports arena quite a ways away from the target.  I appealed to the bus driver who was exceedingly kind and put me on another bus that did take me where I wanted to go. And the clouds are gathering, and there is rain in the forecast.  Just right for a snug bite.
I thought I would try liptauer, a beloved Austrian snack of soft sheeps milk cheese and spices (I definitely taste pimento) spread on the rye bread I toted from Munich.  It goes nicely with the chilled Gruner Veltliner I picked up.  The wine is off dry and very slightly fizzy.  I like it!  And I did not violate the five euro rule either.  I also got some leberkase which more or less translates to liver cheese even though it's neither.  It's good.  I have to say I like the Bavarian version better.
Tomorrow I take on Salzburg!


  1. The train ride sounds lovely. Part of the fun of travel is meeting people. (And I bet I know who you all agreed on as the candidate Who Must Be Soundly Defeated!)

    Looking forward to more adventures in that beautiful city . . .
