Monday, July 18, 2016

Glory in Green

Guten Tag,
I had a good night's sleep in my new home.  I breakfasted on tea and the bread I'd brought from Austria.  I had nothing to put on it, and I don't have a toaster now, but the bread was so good in itself that I was satisfied.
But it was a situation that could not last. I needed enough to survive for a couple more days.  My first errand was to find an ATM.  Now this is not difficult in Munich or anywhere else in European cities, but I distrust the generic ones, and I prefer when I can to use a European partner of my own bank at home. So I went looking and looking. My first stop was the Hauptbahnhof, of course, because most things can be found there.  I did discover a large grocery store, and I returned later.
I walked and walked all the way to Mariaplatz where my persistence was rewarded.  If one uses a partner ATM the fees are waived, and this results in some significant savings, but I'd walked a long way, so I took the S Bahn back to the train station and attended the grocery store.  After dumping my take off at my room, it was time for the real business of the day.
I'd gotten a strip of tickets when I arrived in Munich the first time, so I am well provided for and I knew the tram I wanted.  I had enjoyed riding it many times on my visit in 2013.
Pil, you do realize don't you that a tram is just a bus on rails rather than wheels?
Not the same at all!  For one thing you don't have to flag them down or request stops.  They stop at every assigned station and the stops are more clearly marked.  Trams are cool, and this one would take me straight to Nymphenburg
When I planned my trip one thought that delighted me was the prospect of wandering once again in Nymphenburg Park.  I'd seen the palace, and it was interesting enough, but the Residenz is more impressive, and I understand that a lot of the rooms at Nymphenburg are closed.  When I was there last I had a pass and could spread my visit over several days.  I had three goes at the park, and while I saw a lot of it, I did not see it all.
I come from a place that is dusty and desiccated--brown with persistent drought.  One thing that I reveled in this trip was the green--deep and intense.  I crave it, and I found it at Nymphenburg under the trees.
Most of the tourists are in the formal gardens with their splashing fountains.  I headed for the woodland.  Most of the park is planted with trees or is left as open meadow.  It is also crisscrossed with streams, and a couple of canals also flow through the park.  There are at least two lakes.  All this water means water fowl.  I liked the swans.  The geese were very active and honking.  They liked suddenly taking off wheeling around and then splashing down.  I disappointed a duck.
Signs urge visitors not to feed the animals, but someone must have violated the rule because one of the ducks associated people with food.  When I sat down to rest a bit, the duck made for me.  It waited expectantly, but then realized all that I was going to give it was kind words.  It twitched its tail and waddled off.
I wandered at length under the green canopy of boughs inhaling the faintly fragrant air and enjoying the bird song and hum of insects.  I had a lovely experience, but truth to tell I am not as young as I used to be, and at length I was footsore.  I returned to the Schloss to inspect the shop.  If you have friends richer than I am you might get an elegant present from said shop.  I got my tram and got off at the Hauptbahnhof.
I walked around poking into stores and looking for gifts for people.  I did not have much luck.  It had turned hot and humid, and I thought longingly of the cooling drinks awaiting me at home.  I picked up some food.  Fortunately my room had been done, so I had some water.  I also indulged in a "mezzo" of stuffed olives and nuts. My new grocery store does not have a good selection of beer. I got beer this morning, but I also got a bottle of Prosecco.
Dinner is a Wiener sausage with mustard.  Frankfurter is a protected product name and can be used only for sausages actually produced in Frankfurt.  But the sausage by any other name tastes just as good.  It's got that rich, complex flavor and snappy skin--great with a dab of mustard.  This is no hot dog, friends.  And the beer I got in the plastic bottle is actually good.  It's called gold and that indeed is the color, and the taste is nice, too.


  1. Oh that green!

    And the meal sounds delicious. Especially the beer!

  2. I sure will miss the woodland walks and the good eats when I come back.
