Wednesday, July 9, 2014

There's a Hat Named After it

First of all Congratulations to my host country, Germany for their stunning victory over Brazil--although one needs to sympathize with the Brazilians over their loss in their home country after putting on such a party.
I am officially over my jet lag, but sleeping late meant getting out late--in the rain.  When one travels in Europe one must assume rainy days will occur, and since I did not experience them last summer in Munich, and since at home we experienced a thirsty Year Without a Winter, I was over due.  So I took the S Bahn out to Bad Homburg.
The element Bad in the name indicates hot springs, and this lovely town in the Taunus Hills became one of the favorite resorts of King Edward VII of Great Britain.  I don't have much opinion of him as a person, but apparently he could turn on the charm as needed and did some good diplomacy, most importantly getting Britain and France to be chums after centuries of enmity.  Also there's his favorite hat named after guess where.
As I emerged from the train station it poured buckets, but as it was not windy or especially cold, I carried on.  I saw no signs, but I did see some historic looking towers in the middle distance.  I decided to head for those using main roads, so I wouldn't get too lost.  As I proceeded up hill I also noticed a sign for a major German department store usually to be found in town centers, which confirmed my plans.  I turned onto a pedestrian street with a name I recognized.
I stopped into the department store to get some perfume.  I enjoy smelling expensive and some Chanel was set out for sampling.  I chose "Chance."  I also used the toilet--for free!  I could hardly believe my luck.  Moreover, I found a branch of the bank whose ATM--Geldautomatic in German--I use.  They are partners with my bank back home, and I hate paying ATM fees.  So I got some cash and proceeding finding much scope for window licking in the elegant shops.  Fortunately I was not in a hurry.
I found Tourist Information where the nice young man at the counter supplied me with maps and brouchers about historic attractions in the area and also gave me a bus schedule and explained it for me.  I am coming back to Bad Homburg probably twice as there are good goodies not suitable for rainy days nearby.
I strolled through the historic center.  Bad Homburg is a lovely town.  I found the castle gardens and plunged in.  Now walking in parkland on a gloomy, rainy day is not the best way to experience it, but I still enjoyed myself.  On sunny weekends I would guess the paths would be crowded, but I had the trees, lakes, and streams largely to myself.  How I reveled in the greeny gorgeousness.  This is what I come to Europe for!
After a thorough exploration, I headed back up into the town and strolled slowly back to the train station licking windows as I went.  I got the S Bahn back to Frankfurt sharing my car with some teenage girls singing Bruno Mars songs in English.
On my way home I took the short cut I'd discovered through the giant shopping mall across the street. On impulse despite my fatigue I decided to explore the mall.  Most of the stores are clothing chains and not that interesting, but they have an international food court that would not disgrace California and some intriguing gourmet shops.  But then fatigue had really set in, so I came home to share it all with you.
Dinner is potato noodles.  I had no idea such a thing existed, but now that I have tasted some--well. Of course!  I just pulled a package off the grocery store shelf.  I knew the word for noodles, and these looked interesting.  I expected that I'd have to boil them, but no, they get fried in olive oil because that's what I had.  I doused them with that grune soss.  Ha! I am getting as bad as Goethe.  But seriously these are good--something like frites.  To accompany the repast I have more Reisling.  Very nice indeed on a rainy evening.
And in other news.  Chris Froome, last years winner of the Tour de France has spent this years TDF falling off his bike--today on slick, wet roads.  The last time was too much. He was hurt and abandoned.  So sad.


  1. Sounds like a good day overall. Parks in rain, nice!

    I love visiting perfume shops. But my smeller gets overwhelmed fast.

  2. The park was lovely indeed. As for perfume--one at a time is best.
