Thursday, July 17, 2014

Escaping the Sizzle

This morning I woke up feeling that I'd had enough of trains and stations for a bit and resolved that today at least would be train free.  I did make one exception as you will see below.  Moreover, the forecast proclaimed hot and humid.  Hard touristing with temps in the eighties (Fahrenheit) coupled with humidity does not work for me.  But what to do?
Suddenly I got an inspiration, and though I say it, it was brilliant!
After doing some errands, i.e. getting cash and buying some floss because I'd run out, I went to the Palmengarten--Frankfurt's botanical gardens, and on a day like today, it was just perfect.
I anticipated and found cool shady walks under trees combine with a fresh planty smell.  The blooming flowers showed splendid, vibrant colors.  Fountains played.  Ducks and what looked like catfish swam about the lake.  I followed trickling streams and had short woodland walks.  There are a lot of information placards--in German, so it didn't help me, and many of the shrubs and trees are labeled.  There are a lot of places to sit, in sun or shade, by lakes or fountains or among roses.  The park boasts two more formal cafes, but there are also snack bars.
I had a lovely time wandering, enjoying not being in a hurry or worried about schedules.  Although the traffic noise never entirely went away, I heard plenty of bird song, and the chirp and hum of insects--and also happy noise of children running through sprinklers thoughtfully provided.
In the midst of one stroll I came upon tracks--a narrow gage railway! I love them and feel a strong compulsion to ride if I can.  I began to look for the station.  Then I heard a chugging noise. The train came by.  I tried to follow, but lost it among the trees.  I kept walking and then suddenly came out to where the train was boarding.  I paid a euro and a half and was just in time for a delightful ride through the park.
Fun, was it, Pil?
You bet!
You are so immature.
Yes.  I am.  Shall we talk about food?
I had some Black Forest ham in thin slices.  This is not like ham in the United States.  The pigs eat their traditional diet of acorns, and so the meat has a unique and complex taste, which I enjoyed very much.  The wine of the evening is Sylvaner in honor of my foray into Franconia.  Oh by the way.  In Wurzburg people used "Gruss Gott!" as the greeting.  In Frankfurt, we say "Allo" in greeting and "Cheers" on leave taking.  But now the moment you have been waiting for:
The International Chocolate Faceoff.
In this corner our host country the Weltmeister.  In the opposite corner, the chocolate capital of the Galaxy, Belgium.  I tried to find reasonably comparable chocs, and I have eaten, so hunger is not an issue.
Let the first round go to the challenger Belgium.  The scent is nice but not as enticing as I would expect. The chocolate coating of the praline is thin, good choc taste, and the smooth chocolate filling.  It's not over sweet so the cocoa comes out.
After a palette cleanse we turn to Germany.  Eh?  No scent.  The chocolate coating is thin, and the filling is dry.  I think it's supposed to be.  Tasty enough and good texture.
Next round:  Belgium.  I like the chocolate smell, but this is not as lush as I'd hoped.  The shell on this one is thicker, and the filling is softer--hazelnut I think.  A very satisfying piece of chocolate.
And for Germany.  There appears to be a dried current on top.  Once again there is no scent.  I find this disappointing. There's a thin shell and nougatty filling.  Nice, but nothing special.
The prize goes to the visiting challenger--Belgium.
But Germany is still the Weltmeister, so it's ok.