Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Farewell, Amsterdam!

My last day in Amsterdam dawned bright and sunny.  It did cloud over later, but my umbrella was not up once!  I didn’t even take it out of my bag.
Since I’m going to be folded into an economy class seat tomorrow for eleven hours, I knew today I needed to stretch my legs. I began with an early walk along the Prinzengracht canal to enjoy the morning light on the water.
When considered what I’m going back to, I then decided I needed green and open spaces. I hopped the bus for the Amsterdamese Bos, a huge park on the outskirts of the city.  It was created as a job providing public works project during the Great Depression and is a large and beautiful open space with plenty of trees and water.  It’s more of a recreational area than a nature reserve.  I could hear the merry sounds of youth camps as I walked. But I did have intense green all around me and lovely woodland walks.  Plenty of paths took me along streams, through lush tunnels of leafy trees, and across flower strewn meadows.  I saw a bunny rabbit.  Ahhhh!
I strolled by a kids’ “Fun Forest”.  Oh wouldn’t I have loved that as a child or teenager!  Young instructors had the kids helmeted and harnessed up.  There were ladders up the tree trunks and swings and bridges between the trees.  A fun forest indeed!
I didn’t discover the bike rental shop until I was leaving, but if you come to Amsterdam and want to get out of the city, this is a great place for a ride and picnic.
I returned and got some ice cream.  The flavors of the day were hazelnut and caramel crème.  Wonderful.  Then I took my last walk around the historic center.  I stopped by the posh department store for squirts of perfume.  I wanted to give Jicky another chance, but on the other hand (literally) I squirted some L’heur bleu, which I thought was more interesting at least on me.
The Museum Karte proved a real bargain for me.  I calculate that it saved me at least 100 Euros—which I spent on ice cream and cheese.  Ahem.
My thinking is that Amsterdam would be a great starter destination for the novice traveler to Europe.  Most people want London or Paris, of course, and I can understand why.  I did those years ago, and they are marvelous places.  Amsterdam is smaller, flatter, and easier to get around by foot or tram or even those pedi cabs.  While it has plenty of fascinating attractions, the city is far smaller than either London or Paris, and I think would be less bewildering for the jet-lagged newcomer. Everyone speaks and is happy to speak English to tourists.  It’s a beautiful and unique place because of the canals and the light on the water.  Some would say because of the coffee shops, too!
I enjoyed being able easily to take day trips out as well.  While I have enjoyed my glimpses and experiences of the Dutch countryside, I will say that lovely as it is, it does not have the heart-wrenching beauty of the rest of Europe.  I think because it is so flat.
This was a successful trip.  Despite some dirty weather, I got to see and do most of what I wanted to see and do.  I had tasty and interesting food and drink.  In fact for my last Amsterdam meal I’m having vlammese frites met mayo und brodje haring (Yes!  I really do like these. This is my third go.) washed down with Westmalle Trippel. Leckker!
I am sorry that this terrific experience is ending.  And so to you, my readers, I appreciate your willingness to share my trip with me.
Dag en Dank U Wel


  1. It sounds wonderful. I would love to see that fun forest!

  2. Sartorias, is that Anonymous you? Because if it is I think you, I, and the MH girls would all love it.

  3. It was me==LiveJournal has been under attack all week, making it difficult to navigate.
