Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Shopping Day

So it figures.  Monday when everything is closed up tight began with brilliant sunshine and warm temperatures.  When you are traveling you just have to work with what you get when you get it.  It soon clouded over, and I put my umbrella up a couple of times, but it was not cold and actually turned sultry in the afternoon.
As I have just three more days here, I scheduled this day for shopping. While I enjoy licking windows and poking around in stores I don’t actually like shopping for things.
I started out by walking down Princesgracht toward the hot shopping zone, but I got distracted by a huge street market.  The Nordmarket went on forever.  It’s not a tourist market although some tourists were there.  I was.  Mostly clothes and cloth was for sale, but also a lot of shoes and other household items. One stand had spectacles although I can’t imagine buying actual glasses from a market. There were also flea market items.  I saw things I and my friends would like, but the stuff was not packable.  I did get lucky and found a birthday gift for a non-blog reading friend.
By this time my morning tea had caught up with me.  I wasn’t concerned.  Hadn’t I checked out all the major department stores around the Dam?  I strolled up there to find—late opening Monday!  Uh oh.  I had to go all the way to the Centraal Station.  Then I walked back because the best touristy shops are on the Dam and around the Bloemenmarkt. 
In the midst of this I had some Real Dutch Ice Cream and not gelato this time. Lekker to the max!  I had chocolate with choco bits and spice cookie flavor with ginger and almond.  Both were rich and flavorful and the combination was just right.
I also treated myself to another squirt of Jicky when I went to check out the chocolates in the fancy department store.  It’s nice.  It doesn’t seem as posh and distinctive as it did in Paris.  I can’t imagine why.
I—er—bought myself a present as well.  I went to a fancy Delftware store and put my credit card to work.  I collect candlesticks, so I needed some Delftware.  I did not get the traditional blue and white but instead the polychrome with touches of green and orange as well.  My pair is just gorgeous and comes with a certificate of authenticity.  I also checked the hallmark before deciding.  And, no, I am not going to tell you what I paid for them.  They are hand made and hand painted, so you can probably guess—a lot.
Happiness researchers tell us that buying experiences is better than buying stuff.  I know this is true.  But I like to bring home treats for folks, and I like to be able to look at something and be reminded of my trips.  I don’t like souvenirs that just sit there and take up space, though.  I want something that I can wear or use.
So I walked around a lot and contributed to the Netherlands’ economy, but I can’t make that interesting, so lets have some Q and A.  I will have to provide both, since my readers, except for Sartorias, are shy about commenting.
Ok, Pil, what’s with the beer?  You don’t drink it at home.
The “wine” of the country, mes amies, or rather that of its southern neighbor.  I would drink Belgian beer at home once in a while if it weren’t so expensive.  I don't care for American brews.
Is it true about the Dutch and their . . .?
Bicycles?  Absolutely!  There are almost more bikes than folks in Amsterdam, and the bike trails are so extensive one could and some do tour the whole country on two wheels.
I meant about the coffee shops and drugs.
That, too.  The distinctive odor can even be found on the Dam in front of the palace.  Coffee shops seem to be everywhere, and as far as I can tell they are thriving.
Is Amsterdam a popular destination?
Yes emphatically!  There are a LOT of tourists here, many Americans, but also a lot of Europeans.  Italians seem particularly in evidence.
Speaking of.   Why are you eating pasta?  It’s not Dutch!
Guess again.  Every other restaurant in Amsterdam is Italian.  Pizza and panini are everywhere.  The other popular style is South American Steak Houses.  Pasta is easy and quick.  I’ve needed hot meals, and I wanted to be nicer to my arteries.

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