Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Villa di Principe

 Buon Giorno,

The principe or prince in question is Andrea Doria, who is actually a bigger deal in the history of Genoa than Columbus. He's just not as well known outside of Europe.  He was a victorious admiral and a friend of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. He served as Doge and remained influential in the city until his death. The family is still around having allied by marriage to the Pamphilj Family. I visited their Roman residence when I was there.  Apparently they still have private apartments in Genoa as well.

The Villa is away from the historic center and over looks the harbor because the old Admiral liked to keep his eye on things. But it's a stop on the Metro, so I decided to take it there.  Genoa's metro is not a big deal. It essentially runs along the coast, and there aren't that many stops, but one stop, San Giorgio is not too far from me.

I went downstairs and got my ticket from the machine. Fortunately I'd read up on the system, so I knew to validate my ticket. There are no turn styles or any other ticket control to get to the trains.  BUT when I emerged at Principe a group of transit police were there inspecting tickets. They were very serious and apparently have no indulgence for ignorant foreigners. The fine is forty euro, and they will collect it if you have an unvalidated ticket.

The palace is right there; one just has to cross a street full of busses. The ticket office is upstairs. I got a discount for being old, but it always irritates me when they take my word for it.

This joint is definitely worth a visit  There are a lot of lovely period rooms with wonderful ceiling frescoes. and some interesting furniture and art.  I expected the place to be crowded, but it was not, so I got a good view of everything.  There is a terrace with great views of the harbor and the city behind.

The ticket includes admission to the garden, which is lovely.  It is not very large, but there are statues and fountains and an abundance of colorful flower. I spent a lot of time strolling around.

But I still had some juice left in me, so I decided to walk home. The villa was pretty much where the Hop On Hop Off bus dumped us, so I knew how long it was.  I took a slightly different way along a narrow street with a lot of fun looking shops, so it was a nice stroll back. I even had enough gumption to go find the truffle shop and get more chips, which I am eating because I'm hungry and tired. But my room hasn't been done yet, so I'll have to wait on a real apero.

Well, since my room was done late, and I have already had a snack, I'm going to skip apero and go straight to dinner--or cena as we Italians say.  I'm making capellini (It cooks quickly!), and I'll have it with that pesto/tuna sauce and some local white wine.  Yumsy!

Ciao for now

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