Monday, May 13, 2024

Il Acquario


Buon Giorno,

It's Monday, the museums are closed, and moreover it's a Giro d'Italia rest day--which the riders have earned, so I scheduled a trip to the Acquario de Genova.  I'd enjoyed the one in Monaco, and I figured a visit would be a good way to pass the time. I was mistaken. It was a GREAT way to pass the time.  If you ever come to Genoa this is truly a must see.

I booked my tickets on line picking the day and time and they were sent to my email, so I had them on my smart phone to show. Unlike the poor saps waiting in line at the ticket office, I breezed right in.

The aquarium is justly popular, and even with time controlled entry it was crowded, and several school groups took up space I could have used.  Monaco's aquarium was impressive; Genoa's blows it away.  The exhibits were varied and fascinating--with excellent explanations in both Italian and English.

Yes, that is a manatee! Apart from fishes, charming seahorses, turtles, the aquarium cultivates rare corals. star fish, and sea anemones.  The big draw is the dolphins, which they also breed, but today they were feeling shy, so I only caught a passing glimpse.  Big fish, little fish, antarctic, tropical. You name it, they probably have it.

One highlight was a shallow pool of rays of various sorts--none of them large. Visitors are allowed to touch the creatures, which don't seem to mind. I waited my chance and reached into the pool. The rays skin was rough and sand paper like. It was a fun and different experience.

I want to give Genoa some major credit for two things. One is they have gone to a lot of trouble to give the creatures some semblance of natural habitat. It's not just tanks. Two is that they make a point of discussing ecological issues such as climate change, habitat destruction, and plastic.  It's also a major center of scientific aquatic research. It does cost a lot to visit, but given the work they, do I can't grudge the entry fee.

I came out and decided to have a walk around a part of the historic center I had not yet visited. I stopped outside a gelato shop. Ok. I did more than stop. I went in and came out with some gelato.  I had violetta and amarena. The latter is dark cherry with actual cherries in it. Both tasted just like heaven.  I mean it's rude to come to Italy and not eat gelato. And besides, the afternoon was hot.

Dinner is some spinach/ricotta tortellone liberally dressed with garlic, parmesan, and olive oil and washed down with the local frizzante red wine.

Ciao for now

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