Friday, August 24, 2018

Schloss Charlottenburg

Guten Tag!
The day turned blustery when I was making my way home this afternoon, and the sky looks like it wants to rain.  Now that I'm home, I hope it does.  The weather changed, and we enjoyed lovely cooler air.
I had a great day out, and I think I have found my place in Berlin. When I visited Vienna and Munich, I loved Schoenbrunn and Nymphenburg.  Lovely Schloss Charlottenburg reminded me of those beautiful places, and the extensive park is full of riverside, lakeside, and woodland walks.  Since I am at the beginning of my trip and still jet lagged, I barely scratched the surface of the grounds, but I can return again and again.
Since I settled in my apartment, I could begin the day with a proper breakfast of dark rye bread and hummus.  Then I had an easy walk to the U bahn at Adenauer Platz and a short ride to Richard Wagner Platz, then about a seven minute walk to the palace, which was built originally for Sophy-Charlotte, the wife of the Elector of Brandenburg Friedrich III.  It's called Schloss or castle, but it is a Rococo gem, and I would consider it a must see in Berlin.
An excellent audio guide is included in the admission.  The visitor begins in the magnificent state rooms all over mirrors and gilt. Unfortunately because the period is Rococo, rooms are infested with putti of the worst description.  They are everywhere!
In addition to being messed about by Austrian and Russian invaders and Napoleon, the palace was heavily damaged in the Allied bombing of Berlin in 1943, so much of what one sees is reconstructed. Some of the original furnishing did survive and other artifacts were transferred from other palaces.  The royal family's art collection hangs on the wall along with some amazing tapestries.  Some rooms are very grand and some more intimate, and I enjoyed the period pieces and the explanation of the function of each room. Because it was a week day and I got there early, I had these rooms mostly to myself.  The palace will be crowded on summer afternoons and weekends, so plan accordingly.
Friedrich the Great of Prussia favored French Culture and bought a lot of French Art.  I was surprised to see several works by Watteau including his famous Return from Cythera.  I had no idea it was in Berlin.  Alas, even this beautiful painting features putti.
I like looking a fine porcelain, and a lot of exquisite services are on offer along with some of the Prussian Crown Jewels.  Don't miss Queen Louisa's diamond earrings--glittering and beautiful but so large, I'm not sure I could hold up my head if I wore them.
I also visited the Neuer Pavilion for an exhibition of Romantic Era German Painters.  I didn't care for most of them, but I liked the evocative works of Caspar David Friedrich.
Then for I went for a stroll along the River Spree, and wandered a bit along the paths beneath the trees.  I turned to go through the flower garden and its sprouting fountain.  Ahhhh.  This is why I come to Europe!
Here are some other reasons to like Berlin.  Fewer people smoke on the street.  Such a good thing! There are some free public toilets called City Toilets, and they are automated like the ones in Paris.  I have not needed one, but it's nice to know they exist.
Hey Pil, I bet all that walking worked up an appetite.
Dinner is not that exciting, I'm having capetellini which is a form of Italian pasta--Italian food being the universal culinary language of Western Civilization although Asian food has become very popular in the past ten years, and Berlin has its share.
Let's try a local brew called Berliner Kindl. Will that satisfy you?
For the moment.
Apparently one can tour the brewery, but it's not on my list of things to do.  However, I do like this a lot.  It's better than what I had yesterday, or maybe I just prefer the style.  But I'm confused because the brew seems to be a Helles Bock.  It's less hoppy and tastes like sweet wheat, so I guess it's a light bock.  By the way I know nothing about beer.  In the spirit of full disclosure I confess I had to google the terms.  And I am just going to say no to the summer time trend here of mixing beer with American soft drinks.  Gurgh!


  1. Yummy! Taste those beers for me!

  2. I'm tempted to make a snotty remark about martyrdom, but the thirst gets in my way.
