Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Guten Abend!
Kind friends who take an interest in my travels asked me for many months what my next destination was.  I didn't know.  I was torn between returning to somewhere I'd been to and loved and trying out a new place.  I didn't know much about Berlin beyond the Wall and the club scene, and I had no interest whatsoever in the latter, but on a sudden whim I decided to look into the city, and I found that it would make a worthwhile destination.
Now since I'm here and blogging you know this story has a happy ending, but it was rather an ordeal to get here.  The flight to London was smooth and in fact we left early and arrived a whole hour early.  I sat around terminal 5 and picked up some food from Pret a Manager, and that turned out to be a good decision.  The flight from London to Berlin was likewise smooth.
We had passport control just for our flight and our own baggage machine.  I could see the plane out the window, and they were doing a lot of stuff, but what they weren't doing was unloading the luggage.  We waited and waited.  After about twenty minutes (and this was by no means a large plane) the machine started up and produced--three suitcases.  It chugged along empty for a while,  and then stopped.  We waited and waited some more.  Then ten minutes later the lights began to flash, but the conveyer belt didn't move.  At length the bags began to appear.  I retrieved mine and set off for the bus station.
I hate busses!  But this time I don't blame the bus, but google maps for giving me bogus information!  I'd screwed up my reservation at the Citadines, so for my first night, I booked in a Sofitel.  Easy peasy.  Just take the bus to the designated stop and walk two minutes.  But we got to the end of the line without my stop being stopped at!  I asked the driver but he couldn't help.  Fine.  I remembered an alternate route on the Ubahn or subway.  When I got to the stop I saw a sign for the street I wanted.
Only I couldn't find the street or the Sofitel.  It was getting dark and I wandered around for about an hour and a half.  Fortunately European cities are safe, and I did not feel anxious beyond feeling completely lost. I went to another hotel and asked and got good but incomplete directions, and then I asked the doorman of a fancy hotel, and he gave me the scoop.
I was worn out and feeling grimy, but the young man at the reception at Sofitel was so charming I felt better instantly, and he made me even happier by mentioning the upgrade I got.  It's a nice room with a lovely view, so I am happy to be here.
I ate half my sandwich for "dinner" and can have the rest for breakfast.  I have tea making facilities in my room, and Hermes (ooh la la!) toiletries in the bathroom, where I am about to repair to shower.
Tomorrow the touristing begins!


  1. Ugh, what a hassle at the far end. Glad you're settled, and ready to explore! Here I am, perched on your shoulder, ready for some window licking, or goggling, as required.

    1. I landed on my little pink feet all right and am not feeling too bad this morning. I promise plenty of opportunities for window licking and goggling!

  2. Getting lost is the worst feeling ever! But it looks like you handled it with great aplomb!

    1. Experience helps. I know I will get to where I need to be eventually. I have a habit of getting lost in Europe--not so much in New Zealand though.

  3. I'm happy you made it, but not enough food in this post! Haha :)
