Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Greetings from the Antipodes

That's the Southern Hemisphere to you, Friends!

Well, I seem to have landed on my little pink feet.  Getting here was a bit . . . complex, but I have had a big glass of water and a nice, hot shower, and I'm feeling more like a human being than a piece of lost luggage.
I had a long flight from LAX to Hong Kong, and then a longish layover, and then another looong flight here. Fortunately for both legs of the journey I had pleasant seat mates, and good service from the cabin crew.  I had a New Zealand dinner of lamb on the plane, but reverted to Chinese for breakfast with some Dim Sum.
If you fly a lot you are familiar with airport security.  Even transfers from one flight to another one goes through security.  Dude!  Just like we were able to acquire explosives between getting off the plane and passport control.  Well in New Zealand, they put you through security before you leave the airport, which oddly makes more sense to me.  New Zealand is super strict about food and agricultural products being brought in--even stricter than California!  I had to declare the package of nuts I brought for my snacks, but I was allowed to bring them.
I found the Sky Bus into town, and here my acquiring currency paid off because I did not have to get cash, and I was able to buy the ticket and get on the bus right away.  One bus takes the passengers down town and then we transfer to a shuttle for in town.  My aparthotel is right there at a bus stop.  Not ever having been here, I was feeling insecure about choosing lodging, but I have to say, I picked correctly this time.  My room is huge.  I have not one but two big screen TVs.  One is in the living room, and one is in the bed room.  The kitchenette is nice, and not only is there a full size refrigerator there's an oven!  I have a nice thick terry cloth robe to wear as well.
I went out and got some food--nothing exciting, but we can try some local wine in a minute.  As usual apart from picking up some basics, I had to explore even in my jet lagged state.  Did you know that Twinnings Tea does a New Zealand blend?  I will have to look into that.
New Zealand has a thriving wine industry and is most famous for Sauvignon Blanc, so that's what I got.  But the wine here is expensive, and I don't want to pay a lot even in New Zealand dollars, but what I got, for about the price I would pay in U.S. dollars from Trader Joe's or World Market is very nice.  I'll have it with the pasta I got.  Yeah, I know--not very exciting, but I am way jet lagged.


  1. Auckland Museum http://www.aucklandmuseum.com/?t=5

  2. Thanks for the info, John. Just between us--I'm really here for LOTR!

  3. So glad you got a good home base! *rubbing hands* Now for some Middle Earth Scenery!!!

  4. Auckland is not a big Middle Earth scenery place, but I'll find some lovely things to describe.
