Wednesday, January 17, 2018

A Rainy Day Out in Auckland

Although given the weather forecast all my blog posts this week could have that title.  I felt pretty perky this morning after a decent night's sleep, so I set out to explore.  Auckland is very hilly, and because of the weather and my fear that jet lag would catch up with me I did not go far afield.  I did get a lot of good walking in however
My first stop was the Tourist Information Office where I obtained some brochures and a city map.  Then I strolled down to St. Patrick's Cathedral because I figured I should do something touristy today.  This historical and very lovely Roman Catholic Church is the seat of the Bishop of Auckland.  It is small compared to European Cathedrals and lacks their grandeur, but it was certainly worth a look, and there are interesting displays.  The founders of the churches and religious orders in New Zealand were French immigrants and did a lot to aid the Maori.  I thought that was interesting.
Then I strolled down to the harbor making sure to lick windows along the way.  I encountered a couple of very classy touristy shops, and I scouted them thoroughly.  I did not walk around the harbor much because the wind down there was very strong and drove the rain hard.
I walked back up Queen Street.  This is Auckland's "high street" and main shopping drag.  My aparthotel sits on it.  I found an ATM belonging to my bank's Southern Hemisphere partner and got some cash.  I've said it before, but I'll keep on saying it.  Find your bank's foreign partner--you can look it up on line--and use their ATMs to avoid pesky transaction fees, which add up quickly!
I bought something.  One thing I love to do in foreign cities is poke around stores.  I went into a drug store and found some Manuka Honey lip balm, so I got a tube.  If I come back looking especially lush about the lips, you'll know why and make sure to compliment me.  There are a lot of products featuring New Zealand's premier honey, but if you want to buy even a small jar of the Real Deal to spread on your toast, it will cost you.  I will probably succumb to its charms, but I have to work up the psychological gumption to spend that much on a jar of honey no matter how many anti oxydents or probiotics or whatever it has.
I walked up hill to the end of the commercial district on Queen Street crossed the street and walked down again.  I dropped into a fancy department store.  On the shuttle bus yesterday, I heard some people talking about it, and I like looking around stores so . . .  I helped myself to some perfume made by a New Zealand perfumer that was very nice.  I went up the escalator to snoot around some more.  When I was in housewares one of the shop assistants asked me if I needed any help. I said no, I am a tourist, and I like looking at stores.  Well, this charming man then proceeded to tell me the history of the store.  Smith and Caughey is still family owned, and they get a 25% discount when they shop there.  Sweet deal, eh?
I wish the lovely people in Auckland would Stop Apologizing for the Weather.  I loved the rain.  Sure I came come rather damp, but I have a nice cup of green tea and some nuts for a snack.  It was a good first full day on this trip.


  1. Oh, that sounds fabulous, and rain on top of it!

  2. It was a pleasant day out, and I didn't suffer too much from jet lag!
