Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Cool and Green in the Auckland Domain

Since it's high summer here, one can expect very hot days.  Today was one, and I knew I needed somewhere woodsy and shady.  I returned to the Auckland Domain this time with confidence because there is one bus route I have mastered.
But before that I went and got more cash and then went on to the bus station. I'm moving on tomorrow, so I'm back early to wash my hair and pack.  But at the station I got my ticket, so my spot is reserved, and I know where to get the bus to Hamilton.
Then down to pick up the Inner Link bus.  Ironically this bus called out the stops including one for the museum, but by now I did not need it.
I had a long, lovely stroll among the trees and flowers. The problem is that the Domain is on a steeply sloping hill, and that inviting path going down means an eventual climb up.  I found plenty of greenery and shade and felt cool under the trees. For a while I walked alongside a bubbling stream.  It was a world of ferns and lichen.  There was a spicy smell of plants, and the traffic noise faded away.  Experiences such as these are one big reason I travel.
But then it was time to get the bus back, and so I returned to glare and bustle and noise.  I'll report from Hamilton tomorrow.
I like Auckland, and I will be returning at the end of my trip.  It's a very manageable city, and I suspect full of fit healthy people since they have to go up and down hill all the time.
My blogging was interrupted by a phone call. It's a good thing I came back early!  I'd screwed up my reservation and was supposed to vacate today.  Uh no.  But the good folks here found me another--much smaller room, and I'll be fine for the night.