Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Various Historic Destinations

 Buon Giorno,

I set out fairly early on a very pleasant, sunny morning and made my familiar way down Via Po.  I turned aside and walked a few blocks to have a look at the Mole Antonelliana, a large and elaborate building with a high fancy tower.  It holds the Museum of Cinema, and if one cares to (I didn't) you can pay to take the elevator up the tower.  I understand the views are spectacular.

I continued down Via Po to the Piazza Castelo and the Palazzo Reale.  After my visit to the Palazzo, I did walk in the garden, but I was tired by that time and did not do the park justice.  I wanted to make up for that today.  A visitor can just walk through the entrance to the Palazzo to the garden.  It's evidently a very popular place for the Torinesi and their dogs on a spring morning.  I had a lovely stroll and enjoyed the illusion of not being in the heart of the city as I walked among the trees and fountains.

Then I made my way to the Porta Palatina in the archeological park. I seldom pass up a chance to visit Roman Ruins.  Julia Augusta Taurinorum was a walled city and the only entrance was this Porta Palatina. It's still standing and looks pretty good although I suspect some restoration work.  There are also remains of the city wall plus other bits and pieces.

I circled back to visit San Giovanni, which is the cathedral of the city.  One can find bigger and grander churches, but they are in the Baroque style.  San Giovanni is early Renaissance.  The exterior is plain, but the interior is rich in side chapels with painting and sculptures.  The church's real claim to fame is that it holds The Shroud of Turin, and no, it is not the genuine burial cloth of Christ.  For one thing it does not match the description given in the Gospels. It appears to be a Thirteenth Century painting, which gives the mysterious appearance of a 3D negative.  I did not see the Shroud.  It is displayed only on Holy Days, but you can look at its container.

From the sacred to the profane.  I forgot to mention that in my wanderings yesterday in one of the major shopping piazzas I came across what appeared to be a vending machine.  No big deal, right?  Except this one (in English!) advertised high quality light cannabis.

For apero I had some toasts I got at the grocery store with the Robiola slightly melted and the frizzante Barbera.  Lovely!  Since my red wine is from Piedmonte, I got some white wine from Sardinia also DOC and pretty good.  It goes well with my pasta.

Ciao for now

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