Wednesday, April 19, 2023

It Can Be Complicated

 Buon Giorno,

It certainly can be complicated, nevertheless, I have arrived in Torino--on time and with my luggage--but it was touch and go. I'm situated on a very large and ornate piazza with a lot of intriguing shops. When I get over my jet lag I think this will be a great city to explore.

The saga began when my ride showed up early.  Now I was mostly ready, but I rushed out with out some finishing touches.  I didn't realize until we got to the airport that I wasn't wearing my glasses.  I am near-sighted, but I refuse to wear contact lenses on a plane.  Now my eye sight has actually improved in my old age (go figure), which is why I didn't notice until I couldn't read the airport signs.  I managed anyway.  I got a pleasant surprise at security.  I didn't have to unpack my carry on, and I didn't have to take off my shoes.  They photographed me instead, so I also didn't have to show my boarding pass and passport three billion times before getting on the plane.

My flight left late, but the flight itself was fine in Premium Economy. I had hardly slept the night before and I only got an hour or two on the plane, so I am tired and jet lagged out of my mind,  What was worse, was that my time to make my connecting flight to Torino was very short, and I had to get through passport control and security.  I knew Lufthansa would take care of me, and whatever happened I would cope, but I was still anxious.  I asked a flight attendant, who checked for me.  Apparently the airline agreed that I was not going to make my connection and rebooked me for a later flight.

So instead of arriving in Torino mid afternoon, I was slated to spend four hours in the airport and then arrive in the early evening.  Well, phooey.  After passport control I went to the service desk for a new boarding pass, and to my surprise the guy, thought I was nuts. "Go. You can make that flight."  So I went.  And it was a long, long way.  First I had to take an elevator down and then there was an endless corridor and then an elevator up and going through duty free--but no security, which was a mercy.  I could never understand why we, who had just gotten off a plane, would have to go through security again.  Frankfurt Airport gets it.

I arrived at the gate and explained my issue.  The nice ladies explained to me that they couldn't get me on that flight because my luggage had been rebooked.  I resigned myself and went into a corner with my lap top to try to change my taxi booking and inform the accommodation of my delay because the building wouldn't be open otherwise.  Then the ladies called me back.  They could get me on the flight.  Probably I wouldn't have my checked bag arrive, but I have supplies in my carry on.  I got on the plane.  Wheee!

And once I was at Torino, my bag magically appeared, and I found my driver with no problem.  There was something so luxurious about having someone meet me and being driven straight to my accommodation.  I don't know how else I could have gotten into town.  There's supposedly a bus, but I'd have to walk (and probably get lost) for twenty minutes.  Unlike other European cities there's no metro or tram connection.

So I'm here.  My accommodations are very nice, and I am prepared to enjoy Torino.  To start with I went to a gourmet food shop and got some Barbera d' Alba to sip.

Ciao for now

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