Sunday, April 30, 2023

Pinacoteca Albertina, the Market and an Easy Day Out

 Buon Giorno,

Having had two big days in a row, I need to have a smaller, easier one.  It's a warm but rainy Sunday in Torino, and I had a target in mind that was an easy walk away and would not turn into a project.

But first I had to visit the market set out on Piazza Vittorio Veneto.  The vendors were different from last Sunday.  Several serious cheese and sausage stands boasted long lines.  One could also find pasta and bread plus beautiful vegetables.  Too bad I'm leaving in a few days, or I would have loaded up.

I had a bit of a hard time finding the Academia Albertina where the Pinacoteca is located. I was on the right street, but no sign of anything that looked like an art gallery.  I wandered around a bit puzzled.  Then I spotted a building undergoing major restoration.  It was completely covered.  "I bet that's it," I said to myself, and soon found the entrance, but I had to ring the bell to get in the door.

The collection is not huge, but I found it worth seeing.  I enjoyed the Renaissance and Baroque paintings and sculptures.  Some high quality cartoons (i.e., big drawings not Bugs Bunny) were exhibited.  I especially enjoyed the landscapes and some really intriguing painted portraits and portrait busts.  It was nice because I was there pretty early and the place was quiet and uncrowded.  I enjoyed a pleasant time.

I came home via the market.  I bought something.  OK?  I HAD to buy something.  It would have been rude not to. But what?  Finally I settled on a small jar of Chestnut honey.  I had some on a toast with a cup of green tea.  Mmm.  Good choice!  It's a different and stronger flavor than I'm used to, but I like it a lot.

Ciao for now

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