Wednesday, July 8, 2015

A D'ay at the D'Orsay

Bonjour, mes amies!
It rained over night, or as we French say il pluve.  And today proved to be cool and cloudy.  I carried my umbrella on my outing, but I did not need it.
I went out to my grocery store.  I knew what I was going to get, but then--you know--all that lovely food.  It's not that I bought something I didn't need; it's just that I had to wander around and look, and that takes time that I could use seeing less important sights.  For one thing the store was out of that lovely rose I liked--I having pulled the last bot from the shelves a couple of days ago.  I found some wine as cheap and nearly as good.
When I emerged from the shopping mall, I spotted that Crazy Guy.  When I came home I saw his sweat shirt folded over the barrier between the mall and Citadines, but it's gone now, and I have heard no Crazy Guy chanting.
This morning besides getting groceries, I needed more metro tix, and I also figured out my metro/RER route.  I went to the D'Orsay and arrived shortly after it opened.  Now armed with my museum pass I still had to wait about fifteen minutes to get in--which was nothing compared to the hour wait of those chumps (and I mean this word in the kindest, most sympathetic way) who needed to buy tickets.
Unlike the Louvre, the D'Orsay is more of a day's project than a career.  It is mainly Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century art in painting, sculpture, and interior design.  I began at the top with a marvelous exhibit of Impressionists, including such personal favorites as Berte Morisot and Camille Pissaro.  A lot of works by Alfred Sisely appeared as well.  For some reason he's not included with the great Impressionists, but really?--he should be.
The D'Orsay is smaller and more user friendly than the Louvre, and a few hours should suffice to see the entire collection.  I loved a good view of Manet's Dejuener d'l Herbe and Olympia as well as a lot of  Van Goghs, and wonderful works by symbolists such as my pals, Puvis de Chavanne, Odion Redon, and Gustave Moreau.  A lot of Monet and Renoir are on offer as well.
As it was still cool and overcast  I turned myself into Pil La Flaneure and began to stroll.  Paris is--par excellence--a stroller's city.  Just walk.  Walk some more.  I proceeded alone the Seine, but then turned inland when I encountered the Rue de Bac, which I correctly judged to be a great street for licking windows.  Eventually I fetched up at the lux department store, Le Bon Marche (ok it's only a good buy for those folks with LOTS of disposable income), but I went in and snooted around seeing a lot of things I didn't want.  I helped myself to some perfume--blackberry and musc?--by Guerlain, and I smelled rich and interesting for a while.
I also visited Le Grand Epicerie, which is the very high end grocery store associated with Le Bon Marche.  I am simply mesmerized by the foods on offer, but since I was down to my last 20E, I did not purchase anything although I marked some products as worth future consideration.
So this was a very pleasant, non-hurried, low key day.  I am over my jet lag and am enjoying the city mightily.
A demain
Update:  Crazy Guy is back--I suppose I should call me Ce type fou.  He's quieter this time, but the spooky thing is that he has a bot with him, and he and I drink the same kind of wine.  I still want him to go away.


  1. Sounds like an excellent day. Except for the guy.

  2. 'Twas, but CG is gone and has not come back. Ahh so much wonderful art.
