Friday, February 2, 2018

Rotorua and Back to Auckland

I'm nicely settled in with a cup of green tea and my kindle awaiting me.  I am in a much different and smaller room this time.  In contrast with the other rooms I have occupied this trip, I feel cramped, and I miss some facilities I learned to take for granted.
I got smart and booked my bus trip on as soon as I arrived in Rotorua.  I chose another early trip, and I got an ordinary seat this time.  As I had a very early breakfast it began to rain hard.  I like rain, and I don't mind being out in it.  I do not like to move in it, but I had to get my bus, so I left with my luggage and my umbrella in hand.   My bags got wet, but I was wearing my tan slacks made out of some kind of elvish material that dries quickly.  Of course as soon as the bus engine started, the clouds began to shred and the sun came out.  It did not rain again--until we arrived in Auckland.
I know my way around now and the trip back here was mercifully down hill.
The trip was about four hours, so not too bad.  I have spent too much time on bus back this trip, but at least have not not had to worry when to get off on the long distance runs.   My bags are significantly heavier these days.
But one big advantage of traveling by bus is seeing the country.  New Zealand is beautiful--so green and lush whether we are talking about lamb studded meadows or the exuberant foliage that decorates each deep gorge and riverside.  The loveliness of the land is what I will take away from me.  The route back to Auckland took us back through Hamilton and then north but by a different route than when we came.  There is a multi-lane highway between Hamilton and Auckland, but our bus did not spend much time on it as we wound around to make our pick ups and drop offs.
When we got near the city despite it being Saturday here, there was a traffic jam, but we arrived on schedule.  Now I need to decide what to do with myself before I go home.


  1. I'd love to see a video cam long shot through a bus window there!

  2. I know you would love looking at the land.
