Wednesday, October 16, 2024

At Least I Got a Good Walk In

 Buon giorno

Whee! I got a good nights sleep. I hope I can wave good bye to the jet lag. Since I'm older it takes longer to get over it.

My target for today was the archeological park down by the port partly housed in a an old castle. I love these things! I got my directions and set out full of confidence, but sometimes google maps lets me down. I was sent to look for a non existent roundabout and streets that probably do exist, but not where google said they did.

I remembered from the map that I could get to the port another way by walking past Villa Guilia and turning left. I retraced my steps and tried that. I walked along the water front with a very busy road inhaling exhaust. It was nice to see the marina. Some people were fishing, but there was no sign of my destination. I walked and walked some more. Nope. There were even tourist maps, but they did not show what I wanted. Eventually I had to give up.

On my way I was approached by a woman who asked me if I was a Palermo native. I understood enough Italian to get what she was saying and could use a bit of Italian to tell her I was a tourist who did not speak Italian.

I don't know how to make my random wanderings around Palermo interesting, but I am a sucker for narrow streets and intimate piazzas, and I did pass through some charming neighborhoods. In Southern Italy, people like to live outdoors. They bring chairs out in front of their homes or businesses and just sit watching the passing scene.  I am seeing quite a bit of the central city.

Eventually I fetched up at the main drag of Via Roma and made my way home tired and disappointed.  I took a picture of the local garlic man to have something to show for the day.

Ciao for now

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