Tuesday, March 26, 2013

That's a load of--Wait where are you going?

It figures and leave it to you, Pil, to fetch up in a place named after food.
Except that you have that backwards.  The food is named after the place.
And it's FOOD after all.
There's a lot more to Bologna than food--although I have to admit . . . Ahem.  Bologna, la dotta, la grassa e la rossa.  Bologna is the learned--the site of of the oldest university in Europe.
Mumble.  Ok, Pil, I guess it's a good place for you.
And so I concede that it is also Bologna the Fat--the place that even other Italians like to come to eat.
Nyah.  I knew it!
And--er--Bologna the Red.
As in (gasp) Communist?
Kinda.  Mostly but Mussolini's granddaughter was also active in politics here.
Sheesh,  Yeah, I remember her--her first name should appeal to Some People.
Sorry.  Don't care for Gramps' politics or those Commies either.
So what is up with Bologna that you should wish to go there?
Bologna is in Central Italy--not all that far from Florence--but nevertheless off the main tourist trail.  It's in the province of Emilia Romanga.
Never heard of it.
Perhaps you HAVE heard of Parmesan cheese.  Or prosciutto de Parma.  Or Aceto Balsamico de Modena.
Spaghetti Bolognese.
Ok.  Don't rub it in.  (I knew she was going for the food.)
The region is defined by the old Roman Road Via Aemilia slashing a dead straight line from the coast north.  I don't expect to find Roman cobbles, the site being occupied currently by the Autostrade. There's plenty of history and art to go around, not to mention the lovely Italian countryside.  Why not come along?

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