Sunday, March 31, 2013

Pasqua de Italia

I woke up to something I had not seen in days--blue sky and sunshine!  The forecast was still for cold temps, but the clear sky was a welcome change.
If only, I grumped, it had been like this yesterday, and I would have taken rain today--because it's Easter, and almost everything in Italy except the pope is closed for the holiday.  Really there was no point to my even trying to go anywhere. Nevertheless, the day was too fine to waste.  I could go for a walk at least.
I strolled outside.  Not bad.  Suddenly I formed a plan.  Gelato.  There had to be at least one place open in the tourist zone, and it's probably illegal to leave Italy without having had gelato once.
I found a new way into town, but it's just as long and boring as the old way, so never mind.  I have not mentioned it, but everyday I have been here, starting with the bus from the airport, people have been asking me directions.  Sometimes the question is so simple I can answer; other times not so much.  So the streets were pretty empty in those parts and the traveling Italian couple didn't have much choice, but I could after all direct them to the town center and name the streets and indicate turn directions with my hands.  I figured if I could get them started out, then they could ask further on.
A few minutes later, I took off my jacket and stuffed it in my bag.  Gelato weather indeed!  I had a nice stroll.  As I had hoped the town center was buzzing although most things were closed.  The main streets had been closed to traffic and a festive atmosphere prevailed.  I found gelato, too, and had two of my favorites amarena and nocchiola.  And yes, they tasted very good indeed.
I strolled through a park and walked around the streets feeling good about the day despite no real tourist action.  This is my issue.  I have three days left to sight see, leaving on the fourth and most museums and sights are closed on Monday.  I had to set some priorities and decide what I could bear to drop.  It always happens that I can't see Everything.  At any rate I hope this means a change in the weather.  I could do with some real primavera italiana!

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