Friday, June 26, 2009

Jet Lag and Orientation

When one flies Swiss Air, one could reasonably expect a nice piece of Emmenthaler with dinner. But no. What we got was some domestic cheddar. Tsk. They do pass out little swiss chocolate bars before landing.
We arrived in Zurich in the mid afternoon after a about a ten and a half hours from Los Angeles. I did sleep a little. I feel sorry for toddlers on planes. The changes in pressure hurts their ears--it hurts mine!--and they cry. We had a screamer. The parents couldn’t cope, and there was nothing for it but to let the kid scream---for hours--until he exhausted himself. I suspect this child is not a good traveler anyway. He also had a spectacular meltdown in the terminal even before we boarded. Hey, we’ve all felt that way.
I got a look at the pretty countryside around Zurich. I didn’t see any Alps. I did see a lot of good-looking duty free shops. The flight from Zurich to Vienna was delayed, but we finally took off and finally arrived.
Before I left I saw on the internet that the Vienna area had been suffering unusually heavy rains, and there was flooding. I could see the evidence as we approached the city as we landed amidst watery sunlight.
Then came a series of annoyances. First the handle on my rolling suitcase jammed and did not extend fully. I had planned to take the train into the city, but there was no ticket office--just machines--with instructions in German--and I didn’t have the cash or the correct cards to get one anyway.
All right. I took the bus. It was a nice ride, and I got to see more. Then I was going to take the subway only I couldn’t find it. But I did find a street I recognized and began to climb the hill towards Stephansplatz, having to take baby steps and stop a lot because of the wretched suitcase handle.
Vienna is lovely, and once I’m over the jet lag I will begin to appreciate and report on it properly, but on the way up the hill I passed enticing pastry and ice cream shops and lots of other fun looking places to explore.
Turning right past the cathedral I proceeded down my street. I really am in the heart of the city, but by that time it was getting on toward 9:00 p.m. and everything was closed up tight.
I picked up my key from the restaurant as I had been instructed from a charming man in lieder hosen and went to my building. I’d been given a key and instructions on how to use the automatic door.
Jet Lag. Or something. I couldn’t figure it out. I’d be standing out there still, but a guest came out. I showed him I had a key, and he let me in.
My room is very spacious. It’s much bigger than the one I had in Paris. I have a nice little dinning area and a cute kitchenette.

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