Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Cold and Miserable

Ahhhh.  Hot green tea.  And internet in my room.  The two best things that have happened to me all day. It's not the wireless the network I'm supposed to be on, but that one doesn't work.  So.
One has to bank on a certain amount of frustration and disappointment when one travels as often as I do.  Today was it.  It rained all night.  It's going to rain all day.  The temperature is 7C, and I don't think I want to know what that is in Fahrenheit.
I started off my day nicely enough with the trip to the bancomat and the grocery store.  Then I set out well bundled but still cold for the Modern Art Museum of Bologna--its initials in Italian spell out MAMBO.  On my way three people asked me for directions.  I couldn't help any of them.
So I've walked by this MAMBO place three times while going elsewhere, but--it figures--when I was actually looking for it, I couldn't find it.  I wandered around for an hour before hitting the target.  And you know what, I really didn't want to see it but picked it because it was fairly close and open, and so I was not disappointed by the meh collection.
Then on to what I really wanted to see--the Pinacoteca Nationale--chock full of Late Medieval and Early Modern Art.  Hot puppies!  I hauled my carcass all the way across town in the rain and cold figuring on a couple of hours inside with some delightful art.
I found the place.
What?  Even the sign on the door said it was supposed to be open.  I had no plan B, so I faced an hour long trudge home.
But at least I'm here, warming up and drying out.  And I have good food.  Ravioli di quattro fromaggi is on the menu with Lambrusco to wash it down.  For ante pasto I have prosciutto and mortadella. Breakfast will be whole grain bread--very tasty! spread with stracchino, which is a mild, but rich and creamy cheese from way north in Lombardy.  I drink it with plenty of strong black tea.
Here's hoping tomorrow will be drier and more fruitful.

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