Monday, July 2, 2012

The Happiest Place on Earth?

What's going on, Pil?  I thought you were going to Denmark--not Disneyland.
I am, but Danes regularly top the happiness polls for folks with greatest life satisfaction.
Seriously?  Why?
Well, that's what I'm here to find out, but first let's have some fun facts about Denmark.
Hey wait a minute! That's the Little Mermaid!  You ARE going to Disneyland.
Before it was a Disney film, "The Little Mermaid" was a Hans Christian Andersen tale (and a very sad one, too.  I didn't like it at all) and Den Lille Havfrue is Copenhagen's symbol--just as the Eiffel Tower is for Paris.  Nevertheless, while I'll be nowhere near Euro Disney, I will be near the oldest theme park on Earth.
Staring wistfully out to sea, she looks so sad and lonely.  Are you sure Denmark is jolly?
If it is the weather adds nothing to it.  So far north the climate can be harsh, and fall and winter are marked by long stretches of cold and darkness.  Denmark consists of the Jutland Peninsula and a lot of islands.  Copenhagen where I will be is on Sjealland or Zealand.  Yes, they had one of those in the Netherlands, too, and you can find the "New" version in the Southern Pacific.
Denmark is a small, flat country with a small and homogeneous population.  Long ago all the horrid Danes went a-Viking (i.e. my ancestors who ravaged Northern France), and the nice ones stayed home. There are more bikes than cars, and more pigs than people.  But speaking of pigs, Danes consume on average a staggering 142 pounds of pork each.  They are also famous for their butter and cheese.
I get it.  Saturated fat is the secret to their happiness!
Er--and their comparative short life span compared to other Europeans.  The literacy rate is 100%.  Maybe that accounts for their satisfaction.  Danes love their queen, the crown prince, and his Australian wife.  They love their flag.  They follow the rules, pay high taxes, and enjoy a lot of social services, and great public transport.  The country is a sort of semi-socialist constitutional monarchy.
Surveys show that Danes rank among the highest in trust.  Maybe you remember that Danish woman who got into so much trouble in New York City when she left her baby in a stroller outside a cafe.  Well, Danes do that all the time.  They trust people not to hurt or make off with their kids.  Don't try this at home.
I'm spending three weeks in Copenhagen, and I hope you will join me.  With its incomparable livability, many castles, gardens, museums, etc, Copenhagen is wonderful.  There's even a song that says so.  Folks my age may remember the enchanting movie Hans Christian Andersen starring Danny Kaye.  Here's a link so you can enjoy the song, but possibly you need to see the whole movie. Wonderful, Wonderful Copenhagen


  1. Looking forward to it!

  2. I get it. Saturated fat is the secret to their happiness!

    Well, definitely! Saturated fat is delicious :D

    I've always loved that statue of the little mermaid.
